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Tsssss !
Je pleure pour les victimes des génocides  - Des amérindien - Des Aborigène - Du Rwanda - Du peuple Juif - Des Chinois - Des Soudanais - Des Kurde - Des Ukrainien - Tibétain - Cambodgien... et malheureusement beaucoup d'autres... Hiroshima et Nagasaki entre autres... Et à tous les morts des guerres  de ce monde créer par des  illuminés abus de fric et de pouvoir  soutenue de plus en plus  violemment par les idiots utiles.
VOUS les idiots illuminés;
Je vous emmerde profondément!!!
Vous qui n'avez aucun scrupule a utilisé les morts pour faire ou soutenir la propagande, économique,et géopolitique, ou tout  bêtement pour vous faire plaindre...
Au final vous ne valez pas mieux que cette pauvre fille perdue ( au tatouage stupide) au milieu de tout ce bordel.

Ps; Désolé pour les fautes, de croire a une démocratie et à une libertée d'expression qui n'existe pas!

Salut à toi ô mon frère .

Google translator  :blush:

I weep for the victims of genocide - The Amerindian - The Aborigine - From Rwanda - From Jewish people - From Chinese - Sudanese Des - Des Kurd - The Ukrainian - Tibetan - Cambodian ... and unfortunately many others ... Hiroshima Nagasaki among others ... 
and all the dead of the wars of this world created by illuminated abuse of money and power supported more violently by useful idiots.
YOU enlightened idiots ;
Fuck you deeply !!!
You who have no qualms used the dead to make or support Propaganda , economic, and geopolitical , or quite simply to complain ...
In the end you 're no better than this poor lost girl ( the stupid tattoo ) in the middle of all this mess .

Ps ; Sorry for the mistakes , to believe in a democracy and a libertée expression that does not exist !

Hi to you O my brother.



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Ok its quite hard to understand but I think I get your point. I am also strict against war and any crimes against humanity as you are. But now if they are really gone for good lets come back to topic and talk about what happens in voro.

Ok I ran it through the google translator but I have no idea if that french here makes any sense at all:

Ok son tout à fait difficile à comprendre , mais je pense que je reçois votre point . Je suis aussi stricte contre la guerre et des crimes contre l'humanité que vous êtes. Mais maintenant, si elles sont vraiment partis pour de bon permet de revenir au sujet et parler de ce qui se passe dans voro .

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  On 6/13/2016 at 10:49 PM, clivebb said:

left this morning,are you sure? i have watching this afternoon a little around 4 pm local time and they was here on the couch

but actually at 2 am there is nobody in voro


Anna alone in bed. Alex not home either. Looks like the two actually left. Hope Alex returns. 

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  On 6/13/2016 at 10:55 PM, clivebb said:

ok the preview thumbails don't work very good but anna is here ok,what time eva/bf have left the appartment with bags(local time)?


Dont saw them leave. But actually it looks like all their stuff gone. Laptop in livingroom gone and no blankets of Eva she used to hide under on the sofa anywhere

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Just to be clear, you efforts saved the eyes of a handful of perverts from seeing a cam girl with a Nazi tattoo. Truly amazing accomplishment! You should add it to your resume. 


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  On 6/13/2016 at 10:57 PM, jabbath1987 said:

Dont saw them leave. But actually it looks like all their stuff gone. Laptop in livingroom gone and no blankets of Eva she used to hide under on the sofa anywhere


ok,it's a sad experience,she was more relax and happy this afternoon,now we have to wait a new couple but in how many time?

i'm sad for anna too,personaly i have never see her nazi tatoo because i'm not pay members and this polemic not interest me,now she's gone

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