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Everyone was here

I mean councils You and I and the others watching flat Firing

nobody to watch  of the Tver an apartment and they knew that

The purpose of coming here is to spoil everything for them idiots

Tell me what you see now

Not Dizi and Phil fucking, which I think everyone wants to see.

Thanks Know for the update.

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Not Dizi and Phil fucking, which I think everyone wants to see.

Thanks Know for the update.

Understand, my friend the purpose of corrupting everything

  I mean bring more viewers to an apartment Tver

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Phil is a lost cause. He won't do anything with Dizi. Dizi is now at Tver with Ivorian who seems drunk and is lying down on couch. Petra is asleep, so Dizi could fuck Ivorian, but she won't after talking to Petra. Tanya is with Akira but nothing is happening. The VV apartments are dead until the weekend. Someone needs to talk to Phil.

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Dizi and Tanya both at Tver and neither of the guys want anything to do them. Akira even has his door closed while Tanya lies in front of it like a dog. I almost feel like her clingyness has completely turned him off. Tanya is starting to look like Karen did when she was staying up there. And after what she did to him, I can't even say I feel sorry for her.

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Understand, my friend the purpose of corrupting everything

  I mean bring more viewers to an apartment Tver

Hard to understand your English at times But I think I understand what your saying.

The redhead needs to come back then we'll watch Tver more.

I think I'm going to stop posting for a while. I can't believe I'm this frustrated over

Russians.  :) :)

I'm Sorry Know for not understanding you in the past. Your good to have on these forums.

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the party was fine until the guys and petra showed up. things went downhill after that.  Tanya got totally trashed, dizi got drunk and went after ivoryan.  phil got drunk and only cared about his stupid phone.  petra left after awhile.  it was a total trainwreck.    its obvious that phil doesn't want size now.  hes waiting for his new friend.  I don't think that will go far, shes too shy.  dizi needs to stay away from ivoryan, but I know she wants him. 

other comment..  why doesn't the boxes update whats goin on in other rooms?  are they blocking the free viewers?  I hope not.  I cant pay for them.

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I left the party so to speak early. It looked like it was going to fail badly. Phil won't do anything, Ivorian and Dizi want each other, but Petra put her foot down, and Tanya was a total drunk and Akira wants nothing to do with her. In other words, VV is totally wrecked right now. They can correct it by getting redhead and Phil's friend to join the project. Either that or get Phil to have sex with Dizi.

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dizi tried to get with phil, but he doesn't act on her advances.  all he cares about is his phone. phil is rather dull and boring.  I was hopin for a dizi/phil hookup, but I don't think its gonna happen.  I feel phil should maybe leave the app, and bring in a new guy for dizi?  I like watchin dizi, shes my fav, but tonight she got wild n crazy.  im hopin something good happens this weekend, but im not gonna hold my breath.  I also think Tanya should leave too.  the app needs NEW PPL  or even better, they need to add a NEW app.  the two apps now  do get boring at times.

I hope they fix the boxes on the site, the pics don't update like they should and we miss the action.

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That's a good point. Will Anna even have sex with Phil? She gave him a blowjob but didn't seem to want to go farther. Also, she is young, obviously likes to go clubbing (went out late one night while sleeping at Phil's with friends), and even though she probably lives in the building, never visits Phil. It seems like a bad match. Even redhead and Akira don't seem a perfect match, and Petra doesn't seem to have Ivorian's full attention, whose interests seem to be with Dizi. What a mess!

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