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Whats wrong with VV?

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2 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Wow! Poor subscribers. Getting screwed over. 


I must admit that for for the first few weeks of my subscription, I got my money's worth.  The 2 couples at Tula were fucking all the time.  One day, I counted a total of 7 sex actions in 1 day (total for the 2 couples).  And Alex is always full active at Sofia

It started to change about 1 week ago and got very bad last 3 or 4 days.  Got 7 days left on my subscription and if no change, bye bye VV


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Yep! Lot's more action in the other apts, when Gerda and all moved into Tula, but the last few weeks action has been scarce and quite frankly not very fun and entertaining. They just don't come off like they are having fun most of the time now. To me Anna is the sole exception. She is a quality talent. She's the only one I'd care to have a drink with. Alex, while horney all the time is looking mentally ill to me. He is not the same person that walked into Voro that day. He's getting crazy eyes. Oddly enough Jacky seems to really be having a good time Sofia. Given the last couple of weeks, I bet a lot of subscribers are having second thoughts about another run. 

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5 hours ago, BenCoudon said:


I must admit that for for the first few weeks of my subscription, I got my money's worth.  The 2 couples at Tula were fucking all the time.  One day, I counted a total of 7 sex actions in 1 day (total for the 2 couples).  And Alex is always full active at Sofia

It started to change about 1 week ago and got very bad last 3 or 4 days.  Got 7 days left on my subscription and if no change, bye bye VV


Wont renew either if nothing changes

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5 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:
1 minute ago, jabbath1987 said:

Help and support seem to answer pretty quick at the moment. So this is the chance to all write them ([email protected] / [email protected]

Ok I got at least an answer from support about Lisa and NIck hiding. They requested me to send them the link to video in archives. I hope they will give them hell now

RLC would say: What do you want, that´s real life...

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7 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

Thats one positive thing is the support from VV. Lets hope the situation will change when they got enough complaints. But just be polite. People at support not responsible for behaviour of the people in villas

support@ is very much engaged in technical issues and really working. help@ is good for the birdies´ behaviour and management issues.

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Cela ressemble étrangement à un genre de grève par des salariés mécontents de leurs conditions de travail ou de leur employeur

Blague à part cela tenterai à prouver qu'ils sont bien payer pour vivre dans les différents appartements, et quand je dit vivre je pense beaucoup au mot "baiser" ^^

Je pense pas que les participants ignorent que leurs images de baises peuvent finir sur internet et qu'elles peuvent être vue par des milliers de personnes surtout depuis que vv à fait son fond de commerce grâce à ce système d'archives vidéo 

Car d'après ce que j'ai lu sur ce forum, ce système d'archives est bien une plus value pour prendre le gros abonnement 

Du coup si les habitants ce cachent ou mettent des pulls, moins d'archives vidéo, ce qui entraîne fatalement une baisse d'abonnement car tous ceux qui s'inscrivent sont justement attirer pour la baise constante de ses habitants estampillés voyeur villa 

On peut dire tout ce que l'on veut mais finalement rlc ressemble quand même plus à la vrai vie, avec des hauts et des bas dans la vie de couple, la visite de guest et tout le reste 

Après la force de voyeur villa est surtout de réussir à faire de multiples orgies et de faire croire que cela puisse arriver aussi chez nous :-)

Bisous à tous et je vous laisse utiliser le traducteur car c'est long à traduire en anglais ^^


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10 minutes ago, moos54 said:

This looks suspiciously like a kind of strike by disgruntled employees in their working conditions or their employer

Joking aside it will try to prove that they are paying to live in different apartments, and when I say live I think a lot of the word "fuck" ^^

I think that the participants are unaware that their fucking pictures can end up on the internet and can be viewed by thousands of people especially since vv completely her business with this video archive system 

Because from what I've read on this forum, this archive system is an added value to take the big subscription 

So if people hide it or put sweaters, fewer video archives, which inevitably leads to a drop subscription for all those who register are precisely draw for the constant fucking voyeur stamped its inhabitants villa 

We can say whatever we want but in the end still resembles more rlc in real life, with ups and downs in married life, visiting guest and everything else 

After the villa voyeur force is especially successful at making multiple orgies and believe that this could happen also with us :-)

Kisses to all and let you use the translator because it is long to translate into English ^^


I am once again deeply impressed of the politeness by some French guys here in this Forum who are preferring that many others have to click several times to get the translation, instead of doing it himself for many others. Corbo is the only exception as far as I remember

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Sorry my friend but my message was wrote with my cellphone not With my computer and is very difficult for me to wrote a very long speech like that 

But i see you Reed it so thank you ;-)

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