ARMY SNIPER Posted April 5, 2015 Posted April 5, 2015 There is a old saying about two men together "The Good Lord above made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve".
Buster Posted April 5, 2015 Posted April 5, 2015 The fact that there has to be this major discussion about gay men because of two guys that haven't even proven themselves to be gay is both hilarious and painfully sad, and shows the general level of intelligence of this board. Until both of them start sucking each other off, they're not gay. So everyone shut the fuck up and quit your ignorant bullshit.
outsider Posted April 5, 2015 Posted April 5, 2015 they might be shy in front of camera,but off camera dicks are sucking
TBG 150 Posted April 5, 2015 Posted April 5, 2015 If you can't prove that with pictures, you're out of line too.
bbarnes Posted April 6, 2015 Posted April 6, 2015 Whether they are straight, gay, or bisexual, it is all part of real life. And this is Real Life Cam. For the site to be true to its name, you will have straight, bisexual, gay, and lesbian all as part of real life. Or perhaps there is just curiosity and experimentation going on. That is all part of what makes Real Life Cam so amazing. We get to look in on real life happening. If we just want a porn show, there are plenty of other web sites to find that on! These people are willing to have us watch them live out their lives before our eyes. Who are we to judge how they live it? I am just thankful that exists. There are many different types of people on the site just as there are many different types of people watching them. It make Real Life Cam exciting and interesting. These are just my thoughts.
darkman Posted April 6, 2015 Posted April 6, 2015 Whether they are straight, gay, or bisexual, it is all part of real life. And this is Real Life Cam. For the site to be true to its name, you will have straight, bisexual, gay, and lesbian all as part of real life. Or perhaps there is just curiosity and experimentation going on. That is all part of what makes Real Life Cam so amazing. We get to look in on real life happening. If we just want a porn show, there are plenty of other web sites to find that on! These people are willing to have us watch them live out their lives before our eyes. Who are we to judge how they live it? I am just thankful that exists. There are many different types of people on the site just as there are many different types of people watching them. It make Real Life Cam exciting and interesting. These are just my thoughts. en la vida real tambien hay ladrones , pedofilos , politicos ....................... etc etc
darkfayth Posted April 6, 2015 Posted April 6, 2015 I would love a gay male couple. I am a paid subscriber and I watch these cams for the men... not the women. I don't watch Carina and Sabrina because lesbian sex doesn't appeal to me, but you don't see me on their thread bitching about it. If you don't like something, don't watch it. Simple as.
mdsignguy Posted April 6, 2015 Posted April 6, 2015 rlc has women living together, why not men? Not to many are into the male/male syndrome. you say that like it was a disease. That wouldn't bother me if there was a gay couple (M/M), if there is a gay couple and you don't like it then you don't go see them. Some people has nothing against that, even some girls like gay couple. A lot of my girlfriends was fan of gay porn. So if Hector was gay (and he is not) I think it would be great to let him here. The problem is that some here believe that the tenants live their lives only to please the paying customer. No where in the agreement does it specify that the tenants must do as the subscriber demands. Most just do not understand that these people live their own lives, how they would do it in an everyday scenario, just under the demise of closed caption viewing. If there are things you don't want to see, click another apartment. If their are multiple apartments you are not happy with, withdraw your subscription. Better yet, go start your own voyeur website and run it how you want to. Wake up children, we are not in the dark ages any more.
mdsignguy Posted April 6, 2015 Posted April 6, 2015 nobody wants to see 2 dicks in bed. Why not, we see plenty of dicks among these threads.
Buster Posted April 6, 2015 Posted April 6, 2015 The problem is that some here believe that the tenants live their lives only to please the paying customer. No where in the agreement does it specify that the tenants must do as the subscriber demands. It amazes me that people, particularly on CC, still believe this after all this time. I've heard all the arguments before with people saying dumb shit like "I pay, therefore I should get this and that." People are stupid and don't read the agreements they sign up for, get mad when they don't get what they want, then somehow blame RLC for not giving them what they want. It's some of the most backwards logic I've ever heard. And what's even more stupid is that with all their bitching and complaining, they STILL won't unsubscribe. They'll keep giving them money and bitching day after day like a bunch of children.
Buster Posted April 6, 2015 Posted April 6, 2015 nobody wants to see 2 dicks in bed. Why not, we see plenty of dicks among these threads. This made me laugh so hard.
komptreyes Posted April 7, 2015 Posted April 7, 2015 Two of them are doing some gay, leg humping wrestling on the sofa. The shorter, stocky guy that looks like he is Hector's best friend likes to get too physical. In a very annoying way.
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