jabbath1987 Posted October 18, 2016 Posted October 18, 2016 Let me guess only one worth watching is Voro?
clivebb Posted October 18, 2016 Posted October 18, 2016 yes both sleeping,nastya start to be drunk a little i think,maybe a chance something will happen with the other guy don't know
jabbath1987 Posted October 18, 2016 Posted October 18, 2016 Did not expect anything other. Watchin the comedy show in Tver. Come on in
DONTBOTHERIMDONEWITHTHIS Posted October 18, 2016 Posted October 18, 2016 Well I am back. Doesn't sound like I missed much. I don't think Bella or Nastya read anything on this forum anymore so I will share a story of mine from my past. When I was younger I had a girlfriend that may not have been the nicest person on earth. One day we were having coffee at one of the local coffee shops and my best friend of many years sat down, ordered a coffee, looked at me in the eyes and then looked her in the eyes and just blurted out "your a bitch". My girlfriend was taken back by this and looked at me and asked if I was going to do anything about what he said. Well I looked at her and said "uh, no". Pissed off as she was she just left, no loss. The fact of the matter is between myself and best friend we had always been there for each other and watched each others backs and I expected nothing less in this instance. I consider this guy to be my brother so it's what brothers do. Well low and behold this so called "girlfriend" I had also had a boyfriend on the side or maybe I was the one on the side, anyway it turns out she was a bitch. In the end one day I was at the local fair and her and her boyfriend decided to smash my car when I was nowhere around. Charges were laid and they had to pay for the damages that's where the law stepped in. I'll finish my story in a second. My point is and my last comment on the douche bags is this. Sometimes it takes an out side perspective to see things and point things out to make others realize what type of mistake others are making. Whether those others listen is a totally different story. Sometimes they make there mistakes and have to live with them no matter what anybody says. Now speaking of story's back to mine. So the law did it's and thinking that was the end of it life moved on. One night the ex-girlfriend came to my buddies place not thinking there was a bunch of us there. She knocked on the door and asked if I would go out and talk with her, I said fine. I went and there was her boyfriend and some other guys. She set me up. The intentions were to kick my ass however after I hit the boyfriend a few times and he went down the other guys were moving forward on me to get in on it. I remember and will always remember the sound of the pump of the shotgun while the shell was being loaded into the chamber. My friend was standing right by the door listening and watching. He spoke up and asked "is there a problem here". He saw what was about to happen and stepped in, it was fucking awesome. I speculate those guys shit there pants and know they took off faster than I have ever seen anyone move before. Never to be seen again, they left town thinking we were completely insane. True story. My friends are the best and everybody needs at least one person they can count on. Ive made many mistakes in my lifetime but I would have made many more without my friends. Bottom line these girls need to think before they do things and think hard. That's about all I have to say about that.
nack Posted October 18, 2016 Posted October 18, 2016 I see someone in bed with Boobie.Did anything happen ? 1
HarveyB Posted October 18, 2016 Posted October 18, 2016 Well at least she didn't have sex with the guy this time. I still have faith in this girl and if VV management will get off their ass and recruit some viable partners or one viable partner for each of these girls, I think they will be fine. At least don't leave these girls home alone night after night. Have Mr & Mrs Fixit visit or take them out somewhere. If they're stuck in this apartment, no wonder they are happy to have some visitors even if they're a pair of egotistical, self-centered, bragadoscious dirtbags. Really VV you owe it to these two. Do something before it is too late.
HarveyB Posted October 18, 2016 Posted October 18, 2016 Well, it looks like the girls might have given up. Bella just took her clothes into the bathroom and changed by the sink out of view of the cameras. Now she's leaving but without her phone or wallet. Like her faithful puppy, I'll keep an eye on the door to see when she returns.
clivebb Posted October 18, 2016 Posted October 18, 2016 it's clear they are not in the project and these guys have coming last night have not help too,it's just a question of time before they left or boobie will be all the time in boyfriend appartment for fuck
jabbath1987 Posted October 18, 2016 Posted October 18, 2016 VV just told to me yesterday that they are going to monitor views on villas. Maybe they are going to make a system where good villas get a reward. They are not sure yet. So just dont watch Sofia anymore.
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