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Sofia - Split 2


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I actually wasn't joking. I've made my thoughts very clear about watching couples and I find all of them to be tired and repetitive. Now granted I don't think Nastya belongs in VV and I feel she's taking up space from someone who would be more exciting, but Boobie is a really good addition and provides more of what I'm looking to see. Personally speaking, I would much rather the uncertainty of single women (except for the bullshit Barca apartments), than to see couples fall into the same routine night after night. 

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39 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:

I actually wasn't joking. I've made my thoughts very clear about watching couples and I find all of them to be tired and repetitive. Now granted I don't think Nastya belongs in VV and I feel she's taking up space from someone who would be more exciting, but Boobie is a really good addition and provides more of what I'm looking to see. Personally speaking, I would much rather the uncertainty of single women (except for the bullshit Barca apartments), than to see couples fall into the same routine night after night. 

i respect your opinion but i just don't understand how is possible to take pleasure to watch girls all the time on the laptop and doing nothing more when they are here.i take more pleasure to watch voro and tver personaly after we are all different and have not the same expectation.


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It's seems a little strange. She is video chatting to an older woman but before she started she took off her bra and put on a crop top, then removed her trousers during the call.I still think she has better potential than Bella, who acts totally disinterested when her Belgian chocolate isn't around, and she's pretty with a great body.

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4 minutes ago, clivebb said:

i respect your opinion but i just don't understand how is possible to take pleasure to watch girls all the time on the laptop and doing nothing more when they are here.i take more pleasure to watch voro and tver personaly after we are all different and have not the same expectation.

It's not about watching girls on their laptop doing nothing. I like to watch interactions between new people. And for me is a hundred times more interesting watching two people flirting and meeting for the first time and then decide to have sex for the first time. Think about when Boobie had sex with Jackie's BF. The whole night was interesting to see them meet, flirt and then go to have sex. I prefer these kinds of moments over watching Anna/Alex, Ivo/Sonia, Lex/Iris or Lisa/Nick who never want to flirt with or fuck different people. For me, watching the same people have sex with each gets really boring. 

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8 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:

It's not about watching girls on their laptop doing nothing. I like to watch interactions between new people. And for me is a hundred times more interesting watching two people flirting and meeting for the first time and then decide to have sex for the first time. Think about when Boobie had sex with Jackie's BF. The whole night was interesting to see them meet, flirt and then go to have sex. I prefer these kinds of moments over watching Anna/Alex, Ivo/Sonia, Lex/Iris or Lisa/Nick who never want to flirt with or fuck different people. For me, watching the same people have sex with each gets really boring. 

i understand,the problem is the same with rlc,when you see during many years the same people and you know exactly what they gonna do,that's turn boring faster.

i have liked the new couple in tver this last two days,i hope they gonna return soon here in tver or in other appartment.

for nastya she's nice girl but i'm waiting more,the day she gonna take off her panties and masturbate without cover i will be interesting by sofia,same for boobie and need guys here also for seduce nastya

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I understand where you're coming from miscvoyeur, it's often more interesting to have the suspence of will they/won'y they and watch the interactions unfold BUT (and it's a big but) there has to be suitable people in the same place at the same time and the right atmosphere for it to work. The Belgain and his boss with their pretend money and conceited attitude simply don't cut it.The only reason the Bella/ Jacqui's bf worked is because Alex's drunken antics and downing shots got everybody in party mode. The same could have happened the night Mr & Mrs Fixit came over with a bottle of scotch in the old appt if the guy had played his cards right.

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