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Sofia - Split 2


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20 minutes ago, Clyde69 said:

It's seems a little strange. She is video chatting to an older woman but before she started she took off her bra and put on a crop top, then removed her trousers during the call.I still think she has better potential than Bella, who acts totally disinterested when her Belgian chocolate isn't around, and she's pretty with a great body.

Maybe the old woman she chatted with was the woman who was there and argued with Jackys bf

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2 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

Maybe the old woman she chatted with was the woman who was there and argued with Jackys bf

I was thinking the same Jabbath1987, It's difficult to tell with the shitty camera quality on ir mode. The woman certainly asked her about the top she was wearing which she then adjusted and said "nyet" (maybe if she was wearing a bra?). As nice as the new top is, I wish she had told her to take it off :biggrin:

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19 minutes ago, Here2Play said:

Here is my 2 cents. Nastya is starting to actually loosen up which I can only say hooray but I think there is a blocker that I will not name that's not really liking it. Maybe some jealousy towards Nastya.

I'm not seeing any jealousy from Bella, more like frustration and discouragement leading to resignation. Bella has been there for over five weeks now with little if no support for the last two weeks. Her only seemingly satisfying relationship is one she originated herself. There has been zero visitors orchestrated by VV in the two weeks since Nastya arrived. If you were placed in a similar situation for five weeks based on what appears to be a lot of false promises, possibly some deception and no supportive action, I would think you'd respond in like fashion. I still have faith VV administration will take some action and this apartments potential will be realized. 

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