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Tula - Split 2


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il y a 6 minutes, Amy3 a dit :

Ann est sorti pendant de longues périodes de temps la nuit. Pas récemment en raison d'être malade. C'est là VV doit intervenir et apporter quelques gars dans la chambre. Ann ne peut pas simplement sortir et amener quelqu'un à la maison, je ne pense pas. 

BTW, vous avez raison, personne n'a une meilleure perspective sur ce qui se passe sur le site, puis de gestion VV. Ils vont vivre ou mourir par les décisions qu'ils prennent. En fin de compte, tous ces personnages sont employés et si VV voit quelque chose qui nuit à la ligne de fond, je pense qu'il est sûr de dire qu'ils seront carillon. Nazie fille de tatouage est un excellent exemple de cela. Jusque-là, je suis juste une voix à l'état sauvage en jetant mes propres jugements à l'écran. VV peut faire ce qu'ils veulent. 

Yeah but can refuse new guys too .... maybe she wants to choose it she example she refuses kojak

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il y a 6 minutes, Amy3 a dit :

Oui, elle peut, mais combien de temps il y était? Elle a besoin VV de fournir les gars, la possibilité.

Yeah but if ann she ñ does not want vv can give all the fat that velle and then as I said it all your time we can not force it if she has no more or more envy ...... me personally if j I do not want there is nothing and nobody who is going to force his know sure and certain

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It's up to VV to provide the opportunity though. They know Ann, they should know what might work for her and provide the guy. She can always say no and then it's back to the drawing board for VV or they can give up and give Ann the boot. 

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il y a 4 minutes, Amy3 a dit :

Il est à VV de donner l'occasion cependant. Ils savent Ann, ils doivent savoir ce qui pourrait travailler pour elle et de fournir le type. Elle peut toujours dire non, puis il est retourné à la planche à dessin pour VV ou ils peuvent abandonner et donner Ann la chaussure. 

Anyway we do not know what is going on in her head or what she really wants to do too ...... and as I say if she does not feel we can not force her either

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Just now, astra said:

It must be said that there are not machines that program as you want ... its rest of human beings with seeds like us all who watch them every day ..... and its I think many people forgotten

Not many people. Only a few deluded people. 

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Nobody is forcing her. I think most of us agreed that baldy was a bad fit for her. But it's been weeks and nothing. Ann doesn't look sick anymore. It's Saturday night and she's in bed with her phone. Not exactly the fun people are expecting and paying for I think. I think VV is different than RLC. Here the tenets are expected to tease and please the customer not just live a humdrum life with cams present. 

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2 minutes ago, astra said:

It must be said that there are not machines that program as you want ... its rest of human beings with seeds like us all who watch them every day ..... and its I think many people forgotten

Ann can't just bring some guy in, VV has to provide that opportunity. She's not just a human being living on a cam site. None of these people are. They all know what's expected of them. If you could put cams in 100 houses surrounding Tula, do you really think you would see anything similar to what goes on there. No you wouldn't. It's freezing ass cold there and everybody is covered up in ugly pajamas trying to stay warm. Sex probably happens about once a week under the covers in the dark. That's reality, VV is not reality and these are not these people's real lives. They live on a sex set for money, shelter, and yes a good time. 

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