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Kitty & Smith ~ General Chat For This Apartment October 23,2016. to November 30,2016.

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they Went to the bedroom, started to have slow sex, moved the bed away from the wall (if there would be hard effing, I would get it) after aabout 20 seconds into it, he put her right leg on his shoulder and continued to have slow sex with her...then about a minute in he dropped out and shot his load on her belly..then laid to the side like he was all done..haha...felt sorry for her, she barely moaned during those 60 short seconds....

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Quick indeed. I had them on a screen in case they would do anything. They were just on the sofa so I went to grab a sandwich and came back after a few minutes and they were both in their underwear instead. I thought they were guests and that I had missed their only performance. I see now that they are permanent so perhaps I can catch them again.

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Some of us would have to do advanced calculus equations in our heads to last more than 5 minutes with her. Kitty=cutie.

So far, they have great promise for getting RLC back to the original real-couples concept. I'll give 'em a break while they settle into their new RLC lifestyle.


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