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Leora & Paul - General Chat For This Apartment (2016)

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15 hours ago, Pepe said:

f721e0787d6c7f7b54e6c78bf76d9ddb.jpgI know it's not related to this section but I found a picture of one of Foamys kids... Looks mighty supecious. 

f721e0787d6c7f7b54e6c78bf76d9ddb.jpg  0   41.27 kB

This is a perfect tool for our strategy of deception. Well done, ol' boy. It will confuse the hell out of [insert redacted name of dog here] oops Scooter, and then we can finally have the Goddess pet us lovingly without interference.

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Just a reminder: Leora is apparently inviolate in this thread. If anyone so much as insults or demeans her in anyway, they will have their bird feeder emptied, their attic trashed, their radiator hose chewed, their carpet removed because of the odor, and their walls will need to be resealed with odor repellent paint.

Not speaking as mod, of course. It's just that I don't want to promote any more food fights in this thread.

But I might make an exception if it's bacon or ham...It's too late at night for tuna for me...but if she keeps up what she is doing right now, the Skunk is going to be very pissed off that he went to bed. Damn, but the woman is perfect in ALL ways. :heart:


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