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Suspicious Activity message


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remember rlc have already doing many restrictions: no more full screen,limited time per day,no free cams for some appartments,no acces for the spain country recently,

rlc continue in this same logic,they doing all for forcing you to suscribe,don't enter in this rlc game if you want my opinion,

rlc have not understand behind the free users there is old and recent pay members,rlc think we can or want be pay members every month ! they have lost me with their comportment and this all restrictions

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10 minutes ago, pikinana said:

i had port 81 opened on my router. Closed it... and it works now. It scans your open ports and if u have 80 81 8080 8181 8081 etc... (standard proxy/SOCKS) u will get the msg

You may be on to something regarding open ports. My Win10 system gets the suspicious activity page regardless of browers.

But my Linux box (running Ubuntu) works just fine with any of its browsers. It handles ports differently, of course, and it's more security-minded than Windows or MacOSs. Maybe it's time for me to load Ubuntu on all my machines.

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I know we have members who use Mint: hopefully they'll give us some feedback.


Also, is possible the RLC mods are just trying to quell a DDos attack?

Are all the Barc 1 girls going at it finally? How 'bout the goddess? I'm surprised CC members don't DDos RLC every time some of this women strip of their clothes.

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3 minutes ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

You may be on to something regarding open ports. My Win10 system gets the suspicious activity page regardless of browers.

But my Linux box (running Ubuntu) works just fine with any of its browsers. It handles ports differently, of course, and it's more security-minded than Windows or MacOSs. Maybe it's time for me to load Ubuntu on all my machines.

If you have your desktop behind a router... it doesn't matter what OS you have... it's the open ports in the router. But if your machine is exposed to the internet then it matters. I've had many ports forwarded from the router to my internal network of raspberry Pis etc. and this thing probably scans it. But then it showed me the message again until I waited some time and tried to reload again. 

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All my systems are on the same router. I'll check back with the Linux machine and see if it's still working with RLC. I think they have a funky unintended code problem. Otherwise they certainly won't be getting ANY new subscriptions.

Later edit: Linux is still accessing RLC normally.

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15 minutes ago, ericjeanjean said:

A workaround that seems to work for multiple people :

Type in you address bar (and I really mean type, don't just follow the link) :


(what your write after the / doesn't really matter)



Cache must be cleared if you wish to reload a page or jump out of RLC. Won't work when anonymous surfing with CyberGhost. Linux systems-so far-don't seem to be affected.

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