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Dasha & Demid Pictures - Split #2

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Hey went down on her for a good 10 minutes before.

He's always made sure that she has had an orgasm before he allows himself to release when I've seen them. He's not Sasha, but he's nowhere near as bad as many seem to believe he is. I've seen them go for well over 30 minutes quite a few times.

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Yarik was at Dasha's about an hour ago ... didn't recognize him but he pulled his jacket up and showed someone his big ugly tattoo .

After what he done with his girlfriend. It's surprising that Dasha and Demid would still consort with the fucking idiot.
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After what he done with his girlfriend. It's surprising that Dasha and Demid would still consort with the fucking idiot.

même si la scène était très dure, il n'a pas porté de coups, comme lev l'a fait sur zoya...c'était une grosse scène de ménage, d'un mec qui vient d'apprendre que sa copine l'a fait cocu, pas un acte de maltraitance....

even if the stage was very hard, it did not include shots as lev did on zoya ... it was a big domestic scene, a guy who has just learned that his girlfriend the has done cuckold, not an act of abuse ....

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