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Barcelona Apt. #1 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (2016)

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3 minutes ago, legrandrobert said:

Maybe it's April's fool day

I forgot it was still on April's Fool Day! I hope not I do like this lively interaction between all the roommates. I am curios why Danaya taken forever to change causal wear.  

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6 minutes ago, DrHouseMD said:

Yes, I did read the rules before making my posts. There was no mention of any personal or private information which would help someone identify the person on cam. It was a translation from a conversation that the girl was having. Guess no one else speaks Russian here.

Yes sir there are several Russian speaking, as well Russian born members on the forum, and this has come up numerous times before They are long time members of the forum and very well respected for their translations. I do agree with your translation that they in fact doing the arm candy thing, But I do not and neither does any of the other translators agree with your assumption the they are in fact involved in illegal activity. Furthermore RLC would  not under any circumstance be a a part of or allow this kind of activity in one of their apartments. I believe you have misunderstood the conversation. and turned it into pure speculation on your part. Just another of thousand or so newbies/trolls that show up and start conspiracy theory's, that we deal with all the time here on the forum. 

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5 minutes ago, Thestarider said:

Yes sir there are several Russian speaking, as well Russian born members on the forum, and this has come up numerous times before They are long time members of the forum and very well respected for their translations. I do agree with your translation that they in fact doing the arm candy thing, But I do not and neither does any of the other translators agree with your assumption the they are in fact involved in illegal activity. Furthermore RLC would  not under any circumstance be a a part of or allow this kind of activity in one of their apartments. I believe you have misunderstood the conversation. and turned it into pure speculation on your part. Just another of thousand or so newbies/trolls that show up and start conspiracy theory's, that we deal with all the time here on the forum. 

I think that's a little bit harsh, I do believe that House gave us a genuine translation as he heard it, but without hearing both sides of the conversation we cannot be sure of the context.

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Well I don't Ben, RLC would never put their business at risk in any way period. If this was the case they would know about it, as they monitor the apartments 24/7 and they would have been gone a long time ago.

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2 minutes ago, Benfold said:

I think that's a little bit harsh, I do believe that House gave us a genuine translation as he heard it, but without hearing both sides of the conversation we cannot be sure of the context.

I wouldn't consider it harsh for two reasons. One, a general read through puts a very bad light not only on the apartment, but on RLC as well. Had I heard a conversation such as this, AND especially since I had no history here yet, being a new member, I would have withheld my opinion until I could both (1) confirm what I thought I heard, and (2) gotten a little experience with the crowd here and the site. Jumping in on your first and second post with a theory that, in effect, destroys everything we think the site stands for is quite over-the-top.

There very possibly may have been a discussion about the illegal activities mentioned - but I wouldn't assume the discussion itself justifies unquestioned involvement with such activities. We all have discussions that might be overheard and assumed our compliance with the subject - but that is a failing of the listener, not the individuals involved in the discussion.

Two, This site is watched by a world wide audience.  Just because us "single language Americans" don't understand the conversation, doesn't mean there aren't plenty of members that do - and had the accusation been true as presented, a number of members would have already picked up on it - as well as the RLC administration. As TheStarider said, there is no possible way RLC would allow such activity to encroach on their business. Persons involved, or even suspected of such activity would be sent packing in a flash.

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17 minutes ago, alanohio said:


There very possibly may have been a discussion about the illegal activities mentioned -

Speaking of posting, Alan, prostitution is legal in Spain, pimping and trafficking are illegal.

If these girls are selling their goods ( I suspect they aren't ) then they are breaking no laws.

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8 hours ago, Thestarider said:

Вы, ребята, знаете, есть функция чата на CC, который больше подходит для Общаясь, а занимая 5 страниц комментариев к теме чата, кроме Модификации надоест с фильтром через всю эту галиматью

Maybe start a separate topic "chatter" :shy:

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