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Barcelona Apt. #1 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (2016)

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  • Noldus


  • Dreamer24


  • legrandrobert


  • euromike69


3 minutes ago, Bonnie said:

Dreamer sorry to here that. I trying to help you and there only one why to join and that through segpay. I going to bed now Good night and i say a prayer for you

Thanks Bonnie -- you're a very sweet girl. -- Sleep well girl.

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Guest beaver67
1 hour ago, Dreamer24 said:

I had kidney cancer and they removed my right kidney. -- It came back in my other kidney at Stage 4, but believe it or not -- they think i'll make it, and survive it all. They say im a miracle. I just wish i could join back at RLC, because it really relaxed me, and helped me get rid of alot of tension that has built up. -- I have the money to cover it in the bank -- it's jus some kind of tech problem, but it's taken over 4 days so far, and no results. Im feeling alot better with chemo and i will be damn if it's gonna beat me guys. --- Sorry if im being a little dramatic but it's been a tough time since i got back from Greece. --- If anyone knows a way that can help me id appreciate it. --- We all have our differences, but i really love yall people, and i mean that.

dreamer- sorry to hear that- you need to take care of your self, and get well- the wife went through all that with lung cancer, life is more important than anything else- and understand RLC takes your mind off things- just saying

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2 hours ago, Dreamer24 said:

I had kidney cancer and they removed my right kidney. -- It came back in my other kidney at Stage 4, but believe it or not -- they think i'll make it, and survive it all. They say im a miracle. I just wish i could join back at RLC, because it really relaxed me, and helped me get rid of alot of tension that has built up. -- I have the money to cover it in the bank -- it's jus some kind of tech problem, but it's taken over 4 days so far, and no results. Im feeling alot better with chemo and i will be damn if it's gonna beat me guys. --- Sorry if im being a little dramatic but it's been a tough time since i got back from Greece. --- If anyone knows a way that can help me id appreciate it. --- We all have our differences, but i really love yall people, and i mean that.

what's up dreamer24 hang in there thing's will get batter try to enjoy life do not let cancer win my friend do not think of it as your last my friend  we are all friend's here I will pray for you pal

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5 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

Send some rain down my way. We sure could use some.  :biggrin:

I would have to send it up there and boy do I wish I could.   We are flooding down here in the South.  Rain rain go away,  come again in 30 days lol.   Don't worry SC,  your rain will be starting up there very very soon!

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12 hours ago, Dreamer24 said:

I had kidney cancer and they removed my right kidney. -- It came back in my other kidney at Stage 4, but believe it or not -- they think i'll make it, and survive it all. They say im a miracle. I just wish i could join back at RLC, because it really relaxed me, and helped me get rid of alot of tension that has built up. -- I have the money to cover it in the bank -- it's jus some kind of tech problem, but it's taken over 4 days so far, and no results. Im feeling alot better with chemo and i will be damn if it's gonna beat me guys. --- Sorry if im being a little dramatic but it's been a tough time since i got back from Greece. --- If anyone knows a way that can help me id appreciate it. --- We all have our differences, but i really love yall people, and i mean that.

I'm really sorry to here about your cancer Dreamer and I hope they conquer that dreadful disease for you.   My older sister is going through her 3rd round of chemo and it's really taking it's tole on her.   Stay strong for yourself and your loved ones,  I'll be praying for you Dreamer.....good luck.

Sorry I can't help you with your RLC payment issue...hope you get it resolved.

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2 hours ago, Dreamer24 said:

I had kidney cancer and they removed my right kidney. -- It came back in my other kidney at Stage 4, but believe it or not -- they think i'll make it, and survive it all. They say im a miracle. I just wish i could join back at RLC, because it really relaxed me, and helped me get rid of alot of tension that has built up. -- I have the money to cover it in the bank -- it's jus some kind of tech problem, but it's taken over 4 days so far, and no results. Im feeling alot better with chemo and i will be damn if it's gonna beat me guys. --- Sorry if im being a little dramatic but it's been a tough time since i got back from Greece. --- If anyone knows a way that can help me id appreciate it. --- We all have our differences, but i really love yall people, and i mean that.

Good luck to you... keep fighting !!  

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6 hours ago, mikeusa said:

where is noldus he not doing he job with time keeping :biggrin:

I became grandfather for the second time to a boy on the 15th So I was visiting yesterday.

Looks like  a nice evening in Barça1

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Very sorry to hear of your illness Dreamer; it kind of brings all this rlc stuff down to earth and we're all the same at the end of the day - we don't know what's around the corner. It might sound daft cos you've no doubt looked into it but can you get a kidney transplant? Hang in there buddy and hope it all works out for the best

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