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Barcelona Apt. #1 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (2016)

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One more thing. Why would they get a BF when they have a visa and they have to return home or go to another country to do another photo shoot. They can't take him with her unless he got money to travel with her and imagine if she did meet some one she like he probably has a job. friends and family so he just no going to pack up and go with her. These girl are probably finding a guy to spend some time with while they are there then they move on to the next town and the next guy

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7 minutes ago, Bonnie said:

A BF to me is some one you been dating for a good while so how can you guy say they have a BF when they not been there that long and if they had a BF then they would not be spending the night with them like Kamila spend the with her BF and if it was a BF that came with them then why is a girl in the apt. The BF would have to pay for a visa,plane ticket ,Hotel and food. That would cost more money then the girl make in the apt. These girl are meeting total strangers and that it.O it some one they no. How in the hell do they no them if they live Ukraine. Talk about me not masking no sense. Some of the stuff that said here make no sense

I'll say it because I'm not afraid to be called names and told that I'm full of shit or anything.  I believe these girls go out and do escort work for the majority of the time they are outside the apartment.  I don't believe that they spend all their time at the beach as some of you do....that would get old quick.   I don't care about your feelings towards these girls,  these girls are simply not your normal type of girls....sorry to burst some of your bubbles but that's how I see it.

Like my son said the other night.....Dad, why do you spend so much time on that forum when what y'all are talking about is not real.  I asked him to explain and he said.....Yes, the girls are real but that's about it, the rest of what y'all talk about is all fake and fabricated to ensure viewership.  He is slowly weening me away from it all,  as I have wasted allot of time between watching RLC for as long as I did and staying on CC as long as I have.  I will miss you people but I don't feel I will be around much longer......time will tell.

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1 minute ago, Bonnie said:

Ok guys some of you no there been a problem With camera 5 in Ilona room. I email them last night again about camera 5 and suggested there might be a light bulb that burn out in her room. So this might be why it UM

Bonnie, are you the reason why the apartment goes UM all the time?   Just messing with you.....it's typical for this BS apartment.

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15 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

I'll say it because I'm not afraid to be called names and told that I'm full of shit or anything.  I believe these girls go out and do escort work for the majority of the time they are outside the apartment.  I don't believe that they spend all their time at the beach as some of you do....that would get old quick.   I don't care about your feelings towards these girls,  these girls are simply not your normal type of girls....sorry to burst some of your bubbles but that's how I see it.

Like my son said the other night.....Dad, why do you spend so much time on that forum when what y'all are talking about is not real.  I asked him to explain and he said.....Yes, the girls are real but that's about it, the rest of what y'all talk about is all fake and fabricated to ensure viewership.  He is slowly weening me away from it all,  as I have wasted allot of time between watching RLC for as long as I did and staying on CC as long as I have.  I will miss you people but I don't feel I will be around much longer......time will tell.

Blue & Bonnie are thinking the same thing and we my not be to far behind you as you say.... time will tell

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1 minute ago, Bonnie said:

Blue & Bonnie are thinking the same thing and we my not be to far behind you as you say.... time will tell

It was at one time really fun for me, but now with how RLC has become I have no desire to pay them my money for the BS that occurs on a daily basis in my opinion.   The forum was also fun when there was pics and videos being posted because if you were a subscriber you could catch up on what you might have missed when you were gone.  However, not being a subscriber and the lack of said mentioned, it's just not the same.   I still like the people, and yes.....even you snaky and euromike69, and I will miss all the scuttle butt that goes on but I think I'm just getting burned out and may need to take a long break......sometimes that can be easier said than done!

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