canito Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 i wouldnt dough that as soon as she finishes giving danaya a massage she will give ilona one just so she wont feel left out lets see what happends.
euromike69 Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 Love this massage,Adele looks sexy as fuck,,,but sorry Adele Irma did it better,but I still love what I see :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby:
canito Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 thank you mickey and kzsjzkdjs for a great pic.and yes mickey irma doesnt it way better but at least adele is entertaing us.i like adele and danaya there are really nice girls.
canito Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 do you see how disrespectful ilona is she just grabbed danaya tea and started drinking out of it like it was want tea ilona go make your own fucking cup you lazy bitch.
winnlove Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 Je suis d'accord Canito. Depuis son retour (Ilona), elle ne fait rien, et compte beaucoup sur ses colocataires pour faire le nécessaire à son confort! Elle a eu des massages, et jamais n'a donné à qui que ce soit le moindre plaisir (à part toucher les seins d'Irma). Elle est trop égoïste, ne pense pas au plaisir des autres..C'est dommage, car si c'était l'inverse, toutes les 3 s'arrangeraient très bien dans cette maison des filles!
le furet Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 je passerais bien ma nuit au milieu des 3 belle jeune filles je pense que je ne risque rien :bang head:lol kiss
happyone Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 I am going to start cussing right now -- Ilona Ilona Ilona
Benfold Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 Where's Kitek when you need him! Danaya and Ilona just seemed to have an argument, Ilona tried to laugh it off but Danaya stormed upstairs and thew some clothes on the ground, any ideas?
canito Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 by the hand movements i think ilona wanted danaya to go some where and danaya look to her like to say why dont you go its right there.and danaya went upstairs stomping her feet upstairs just my opinion.ilona thinks everone gotta cater to liking its not like that.
le furet Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 il ne faut pas que adele tombe sous l'emprise d ilona je pense quelle et bien meilleure :hugnkiss:
Benfold Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 by the hand movements i think ilona wanted danaya to go some where and danaya look to her like to say why dont you go its right there.and danaya went upstairs stomping her feet upstairs just my opinion. I think you're right, and then Ilona went straight the the laundry room on her phone. Wouldn't surprise me if she called RLC and said 'get this girl out of here'
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