euromike69 Posted September 4, 2016 Posted September 4, 2016 2 minutes ago, repliklerinizzz said: polya stella ? Dude seriously,,are you that fucking slow or stupid,,,IRMA AND ILONA ARE THE ONES WHO ARE LEAVING Geez what is wrong with some of you people SMFH!! 1
repliklerinizzz Posted September 4, 2016 Posted September 4, 2016 6 minutes ago, euromike69 said: Dude seriously,,are you that fucking slow or stupid,,,IRMA AND ILONA ARE THE ONES WHO ARE LEAVING Geez what is wrong with some of you people SMFH!! no you dont getting. i asked you what about polya and stella... im turkish and english and turkish very different laungage. its happening some problems when ı want say something. 3
Noldus Posted September 4, 2016 Posted September 4, 2016 59 minutes ago, ericjeanjean said: The strange thing with Anna is that she came in to replace Amy who clearly left before the end of her contract. I wonder how the whole thing went down. Do you remember what was said in a translation that Lola would be visited by a friend who was going to stay in her bed for a few days. That did not happen, but Anna came when Amy traveled. I wonder if it was her friend? 2
euromike69 Posted September 4, 2016 Posted September 4, 2016 3 minutes ago, phantomcapsnet said: The question is what could be archived and how loong is the retention ? RLC is an adult site whatever they write in their communcation. In my opinion, if they want to keep their soul they must not archive only sexual an d nudity event as watchme24 and voyeurvilla. The "archive" could be a kind of 12 or 24 hours delayed stream. My estimation is one day with the 200 RLC cams weights between 1 and 4TB. It's not a very big deal compared to current RLC infrastructure. It does not need more full time hired people. In my opinion the lack of archive is due to the RLC concept basis : You watch in live people life. You are not supposed . If you miss an even then you miss it as in real life. I think biggest RLC bill is the streaming. May be it's one of the reasons they strongly limited the time of the free view The biggest question that anyone on here asks themselves when they are away from their computer whether it be to go to work or to take care of other things outside in the real world,,Is "WHAT AM I MISSING",,,it is what makes us hurry up to run home everyday or not leave at all,because we are always thinking that the one time we leave the house is the very time that the very thing we were all waiting to see is going to go down on the day you choose to step away. I said it years ago that I wished that RLC would offer it's costumers some option of reviewing what happened in the last 12 hours that they were away from their computers,,,That is the biggest and single most reason why CC is so successful because this is the place where most people come to catch up on everything that went down,,whether it be through photos/videos/discussions ,,,,,,,RLC hates us for doing this here,,but they got to realize that if they had offered a way for it's members to catch up on the days events,,,then we wouldn't have to depend on trying to find other sources online to find out what happened while we were gone. 1
ericjeanjean Posted September 4, 2016 Posted September 4, 2016 10 minutes ago, phantomcapsnet said: The question is what could be archived and how loong is the retention ? RLC is an adult site whatever they write in their communcation. In my opinion, if they want to keep their soul they must not archive only sexual an d nudity event as watchme24 and voyeurvilla. The "archive" could be a kind of 12 or 24 hours delayed stream. My estimation is one day with the 200 RLC cams weights between 1 and 4TB. It's not a very big deal compared to current RLC infrastructure. It does not need more full time hired people. In my opinion the lack of archive is due to the RLC concept basis : You watch in live people life. You are not supposed . If you miss an even then you miss it as in real life. I think biggest RLC bill is the streaming. May be it's one of the reasons they strongly limited the time of the free view The guy I quoting was specifically talking about a library of "interesting bits" which suggests some sort of content curation and longer availability. Your Idea could work but it would still be more expensive for RLC than what they would get in return.
ericjeanjean Posted September 4, 2016 Posted September 4, 2016 6 minutes ago, Noldus said: Do you remember what was said in a translation that Lola would be visited by a friend who was going to stay in her bed for a few days. That did not happen, but Anna came when Amy traveled. I wonder if it was her friend? I did not read that translation. What you are saying is indeed a possibility.
Frankster Posted September 4, 2016 Posted September 4, 2016 52 minutes ago, ericjeanjean said: Ahahaha . Isn't there anyone on this forum who can photoshop Amy on that Gif? I think it's wrong to say that Amy was thrown out. She most likely didn't like it there, and left on her own. Sara, White, Nikki and Jenny was thrown out from Barca1. It's quite a difference. Had Amy been thrown out by RLC, Megan most likely would have followed her. Same as "miss-no-ass"/Layla also left on her own (Would have liked to seen her thrown out a little earlier)
phantomcapsnet Posted September 4, 2016 Posted September 4, 2016 15 minutes ago, Frankster said: I think it's wrong to say that Amy was thrown out. She most likely didn't like it there, and left on her own. Left on her own, or kick out the difference is tight. She was paid by RLC and if RLC at the final told her stop hidding what difference does it make if she refused and left by herself or if RLC kicked her out 1
euromike69 Posted September 4, 2016 Posted September 4, 2016 17 minutes ago, Frankster said: I think it's wrong to say that Amy was thrown out. She most likely didn't like it there, and left on her own. Sara, White, Nikki and Jenny was thrown out from Barca1. It's quite a difference. Had Amy been thrown out by RLC, Megan most likely would have followed her. Same as "miss-no-ass"/Layla also left on her own (Would have liked to seen her thrown out a little earlier) Which begs the question,,,"THEN WHY THE FUCK DID SHE AGREE TO BE THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE",,,,I'm pretty certain that she knew what she was getting into,,and this apt was occupied by them days before RLC put it online for us to enjoy,,so she had plenty of opportunities to bow out before then,,,she was simply not ready,,and RLC got a shitload of complaints about they gave her the Boot..In my opinion 2
corboblanc Posted September 4, 2016 Posted September 4, 2016 il y a 12 minutes, Frankster a dit : Je pense qu'il est faux de dire que Amy a été jeté dehors. Elle n'a probablement pas aimé là-bas, et à gauche elle-même. Sara, blanc, Nikki et Jenny a été jeté hors de Barca1. Il est tout à fait une différence. Amy avait été jeté par RLC, Megan très probablement aurait suivie. Identique à "miss-no-cul" / Layla a également laissé sur son propre (Nous aurions aimé vu son jeté un peu plus tôt) vous avez en partie raison, mais white et sara n'ont pas été misent à la porte, elles sont simplement restées 1 mois, la durée des séjours varies selon les disponibilités des filles. effectivement, il s'est passé quelque chose avec nikki et son copain, et rlc a très rapidement mit l'appartement hors ligne. jenny est une victime collatérale, car malgré les foudres contre elle, dès sa seconde arrivée, elle n'avait pas grand chose à se reprocher. dans l'historique, marta a également été mise à la porte, tellement l'appartement était sale, et jikta et marek, suite à la révélation de leur porno homosexuel et incestueux..... you're partially right, but white and sara were not betting on the door, they are simply remained one month, length of stay varies according to availability girls. indeed, it happened something with Nikki and her boyfriend, and rlc has very quickly put the apartment offline. jenny is a collateral victim, because despite the ire against it, from his second coming, it was not much to answer for. in history, Marta was also put on the door, so the apartment was filthy and jikta Marek, following the revelation of their homosexual and incestuous porn ..... 1
ericjeanjean Posted September 4, 2016 Posted September 4, 2016 23 minutes ago, Frankster said: I think it's wrong to say that Amy was thrown out. She most likely didn't like it there, and left on her own. Sara, White, Nikki and Jenny was thrown out from Barca1. It's quite a difference. Had Amy been thrown out by RLC, Megan most likely would have followed her. Same as "miss-no-ass"/Layla also left on her own (Would have liked to seen her thrown out a little earlier) At least Jenny wasn't thrown out. She even went there 2 times for god knows what reason. I don't think Amy was thrown out either but who can resist a Fresh Prince GIF?
corboblanc Posted September 4, 2016 Posted September 4, 2016 il y a 3 minutes, euromike69 a dit : Ce qui pose la question ,,, "ALORS POURQUOI LA BAISE - t - elle accepter d'être là en premier lieu" ,,,, Je suis assez certain qu'elle savait ce qu'elle montait dans ,, et cette tendance a été occupée par les jours avant RLC mettre en ligne pour nous de profiter ,, elle avait donc beaucoup de possibilités de se plier avant alors ,,, elle était tout simplement pas prêt ,, et RLC a obtenu un shitload de plaintes à son sujet .... donc ils lui ont donné le Démarrez .. À mon avis même si amy était timide devant les caméras, elle plaisait à un grand nombre de fan. il faut aussi prendre en compte une chose que beaucoup de membres oublient ici, l'imprévu!!!!! la proposition d'un travail, une invitation imprévue, plein de possibilité expliquant pourquoi une fille part au bout de quelques jours!!!! pour un autre sujet, il est aussi possible d'un retour de adèle, qui a passé son été à Barcelone...... although Amy was shy in front of cameras, it appealed to a lot of fan. we must also take into account one thing that many members forget here, the unexpected !!!!! the proposal of a job, an unexpected invitation, full of opportunity why a girl to share a few days !!!!for another subject, it is also possible to return to Adele, who spent his summer in Barcelona ...... 1
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