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Barcelona Apt. #1 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (2016)

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3 minutes ago, DES7469 said:

With the way these two are getting on I predict I'll glued to B1 for the next month.

For the first time in a long time B1 is more exciting than B2, I'm glad, I like the B1 apartment more. It feels like coming home :biggrin:

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2 hours ago, Zwavelaar said:

Well, I know it's way too early for this, but if the awkwardness leads to less or zero interaction between these two girls, then (right now) I put my money on Milena. As I said, Belle is cute. But I don't think she is a special snowflake, like some of you. Just my opinion.

Maybe it's because I missed the whole lesbian orgy stuff :shy:

While I think Belle is adorable, there's nothing sensual or sexual that I can see.. The whole lesbian orgy stuff was obviously  induced by Dima for his own pleasure and I don't believe that RLC had any knowledge of it. It's difficult to say if all the women knew what they were doing or taking, and frankly none of my business, but I'd be willing to bet that a few regretted it later. Again, i would have no personal knowledge of how they felt , only those things that I observed...

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It's a matter of personal taste if you find a women sexual, sensual or just plain smokin hot. Which I think Belle is and some think she isn't. It's the same with every woman. 

At this point I think everyone has made up there mind as to what they think happen at the Wednesday Event. And for me it's not worth further debate. I'm focused on current events. 

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1 minute ago, Blue&Bonnie said:

16:24 apt 1# is UM

Well now I wonder what this is about. Guess we'll just have to wait and see. I think I'd rather it just be Milena and Belle for at least another week to see what happens. But I don't have a say in it.:biggrin:

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31 minutes ago, Teddy 1 said:

While I think Belle is adorable, there's nothing sensual or sexual that I can see.. The whole lesbian orgy stuff was obviously  induced by Dima for his own pleasure and I don't believe that RLC had any knowledge of it. It's difficult to say if all the women knew what they were doing or taking, and frankly none of my business, but I'd be willing to bet that a few regretted it later. Again, i would have no personal knowledge of how they felt , only those things that I observed...

Well I do have personal knowledge of how they felt. Once again Rebecca regretted and left. It wasn't that big a step for Belle who has already been in steamy sexual relationships which she has talked about (it didn't even bother her that much that she might have been fucked when drunk last week) and has clearly done some form of exotic dancing at a club at the very least - every move is straight out of one of those clubs and she even does lap dancing moves. And Belle admitted she liked girls today. Megan enjoyed the experience and was only concerned about what friends and family would think if she found out. And if Belle isn't sexy that what caused Milena to be so desperately horny she bated in the light to Belle's picture immediately afterwards? 

She is adorable but fair enough if you don't find her sexy - to me and some others, including Milena (who even phoned a friend about Belle), she's off the fucking scale. At the moment she isn't that horny but there are signs she is getting there herself.

Without Dima and the drugs absolutely none of what happened that night would have happened.

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Just now, euromike69 said:



Well that's just fucked any potential Milena-Belle story, Fuck's sake RLC were you even paying attention to last night and I was hours from subscribing.

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