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Barcelona Apt. #1 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (2016)

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37 minutes ago, alanohio said:

Well, it's been somewhat of a downer week for me in that RLC decided I had posted too much and banned me. It amazes me, however, that they think giving up my $45/m (and my potential 3 month subscription) is somehow going to gain them enough new subscriptions to make up what they are throwing away. I spent most days wondering if I was getting my moneys worth, but I suspect I would have stayed with them until I got bored. Oh well, they made the decision for me - now I have $45/m extra to spend on something else :)

I plan on sticking around CC however, offering my 2 cents for those interested, and enhancing the better photos the members capture here, or what I can capture on the free cams, into my form of "art" - well, just for the fun of it. The discussions here (with few exceptions) actually are more interesting than the live cams in many ways.

I also want to give a high five to the guys that provide translations. What we are watching is SO much more interesting when we know these people better from their conversations.

And thanks to everyone that found my posts interesting :)

Over and Out :)

PS: Here's one I caught before RLC kicked me out ;)

PSS: OH, I almost forgot. Since they banned me, I'm going to post the video I recorded of Kami and her boyfriend before they left on vacation. I'll probably do that a day or so before K&K comes back to get you guys worked up LOL

2016-04-19_21-44-08.png  1   257.9 kB

I'm sorry that you got banned pal. Stay here with us pal. Just keep in mind that Noldus has been banned 9 times. And he is still here with us.

And your posts are great, keeping doing it.

Mikey is leaving rlc also for different reasons.

I am staying. I don't post pics, I am not hooked on any particular girl or girls. But I love CC and my interaction with all of you guys. And the $45 a month is nothing to me. I have two twin sons in college at the same time, a huge mortgage on my large house. What is another $45 to me?


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45 minutes ago, alanohio said:

Well, it's been somewhat of a downer week for me in that RLC decided I had posted too much and banned me. It amazes me, however, that they think giving up my $45/m (and my potential 3 month subscription) is somehow going to gain them enough new subscriptions to make up what they are throwing away. I spent most days wondering if I was getting my moneys worth, but I suspect I would have stayed with them until I got bored. Oh well, they made the decision for me - now I have $45/m extra to spend on something else :)

I plan on sticking around CC however, offering my 2 cents for those interested, and enhancing the better photos the members capture here, or what I can capture on the free cams, into my form of "art" - well, just for the fun of it. The discussions here (with few exceptions) actually are more interesting than the live cams in many ways.

I also want to give a high five to the guys that provide translations. What we are watching is SO much more interesting when we know these people better from their conversations.

And thanks to everyone that found my posts interesting :)

Over and Out :)

PS: Here's one I caught before RLC kicked me out ;)

PSS: OH, I almost forgot. Since they banned me, I'm going to post the video I recorded of Kami and her boyfriend before they left on vacation. I'll probably do that a day or so before K&K comes back to get you guys worked up LOL


post pics of rlc now with the pay cameras on camcaps or on the web it's exactly if you play poker,sometime you win sometime you loose,

you can be premium member here,that's change nothing,rlc just need create account here and pay 12 $ for see all the pics and baaaammm.

apparently rlc have add new watermark recently,that's why many members here have been banned recently by rlc,

it's one reason too im not interesting by this 3 months deal,imagine i take this deal and rlc bann me after 2 weeks,bye my 100$ so no thanks.

some members can be banned 10 times,they will renew 10 times,the addiction is too high,rlc know that !

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7 minutes ago, dana3 said:

Danaya seguro está teniendo algunos momentos emocionantes medida que se acerca dejando! Supongo ... ... baño y luego volver a la cama.

Jajajajaja, me apuesto una caja de Woll Damm contigo de que si hace "algo" lo ponen en mantenimiento otra vez 

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24 minutes ago, corboblanc said:

nous sommes un grand nombre de membres à avoir été banni en quelques jours!!! après une période de calme, rlc à dû reprendre son ancien responsable des abonnements, celui qui virait les abonnés à tour de bras il y a 1 an!!!! ce mec est surexcité après une longue période de laxisme (il devait être hospitalisé ou naufragé sur une ile déserte), et le revoilà en pleine forme pour faire du tir au pigeon avec les abonnés premium!!!! donc presque plus de partage des pièces payantes, et un désintérêt grandissant pour rlc, tant que cet "Himmler" est aux commandes du service clients!!!! en attendant, il pratique une véritable épuration de masse, pour quelques photos à la con postées sur ce forum!!!! rlc a toujours eu du mal à comprendre que le but d'une entreprise, c'est de prospérer pour s'agrandir et grossir le chiffre d'affaire, et ce n'est pas en bannissant ses meilleurs clients, qu'ils y arriveront!!!!

we are a large number of members have been banned in a few days !!! after a period of calm, rlc due to resume its former head of subscriptions, one who was turning the tower arm to subscribers ago 1 year !!!! this guy is excited after a long period of laxity (he had to be hospitalized or shipwrecked on a desert island), and here he is again in top form for clay pigeon shooting with premium subscribers !!!! So almost more sharing of paid rooms, and a growing disinterest rlc, as this "Himmler" is in charge of customer service !!!! meanwhile he practice true mass treatment for some pictures to con posted on this forum !!!! rlc has always struggled to understand the purpose of a business is to thrive and grow to larger turnover, and it is not by banning its best customers, they will get there !!!!

Corbo, we may not agree on everything, but we sure agree on this one!

Stupid business practice. Nothing like killing the goose that laid the golden egg!!!!

Please, all you great posters. Do not leave us!!!!

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