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Tula - Split 3


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4 minutes ago, astra said:

Do you think that Alex and Anna are always together ????? Quart him often leave away from anna

For the sake of finally something exciting happening, I hope he isn't. Hoping he cheats on her with the new girl tonight. Or at the very least new girl stays and joins Zoe and Jack in sex tonight.

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il y a 4 minutes, miscvoyeur a dit :

Par souci de enfin quelque chose qui se passe passionnant, je l'espère, il est pas. En espérant qu'il triche sur elle avec la nouvelle fille ce soir. Ou à la nouvelle fille très moins reste et se joint à Zoe et Jack dans le sexe ce soir.

Or Alex will do as with Anita he will also play with Carmen and return his head !!!!!

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3 hours ago, astra said:

:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:Sorry for that google automatic translation French / English


3 hours ago, astra said:

  Sans vouloir vous offenser @astra mais parfois vous êtes traductions Google êtes très drôle :biggrin:

Really laughing my ass off.  As I speak both French and English, I can appreciate how bad (and funny)  google translation is.  But we can understand the meaning of the original idea, so its funny

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