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Anna & Alex - Part 1

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19 hours ago, thedbear said:

To avoid it today. If it was explained in twitter, evident that one of the sides gave a "footfall in the ball", Let's see how it is further ahead.

And apparently there, we know on which side of the field this "ball" is now

I vote to define the name for both of them, because from what we see these "going" and "coming back" will last a long time here.
For man, guitarmam is my suggestion (for the guitar he usually takes). For girl top purple top or silver top (by hair color).


3 lines, uhuu!

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5 hours ago, Yury said:

At the beginning of the conversation Ana said: "That's what I want ..." Further she explains that their company will move from the kitchen into the living room and what they plan to do there (before that, she told her guests that prepared the game (probably was meant bondage, blindfold and exchange partners: this can be seen in the beginning of the party)). It was clear from the words and gestures of Anna. 
Then I guess that Anna told to Peter and Emma, that they can stay and watch or join them. This is just my guess. Anna spoke quietly and words could not be heard. I only saw the gestures and facial expressions.
By Emma's facial expression was evident that she was not happy with the proposal. Then Peter shook his head and said: "No".
I do not think that Anna asked them to leave the living room. In the disposal of the company has a large kitchen and a bedroom (By the way: It would be better if they had a party in the bedroom, because in the living room is very little space, and there they were closely. Also one of the living cameras (free) is located very far away. And there's no camera near the window. So that in living room is not the best place for parties).

Yury, again a "ten" for you!

Everything becomes much more "clear" and partly "lighter" as well. Even though it was not possible to translate Anna, the parallel conversations before that, between Peter and Emma already indicated a little uncomfortable with the presences there.

Actually this event was not planned in anticipation with or for them there.
But I think the room was the right place for the first part of the event.
It could, yes, if everyone participated, evolve later to Emma's room, by the number and most strategic positions of the cams.

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When the new guys now will move in A&A room where will they sleep? Guess it will be the sofa for them again. Cant be healthy always sleep on it. It looks not really comfortable. They could take turns sleep in Emmas place in bed as shes nearly never home ::)

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