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Anna & Alex - Part 1

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5 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Welcome! I know what you mean. I tried defending Kenny to an extent. I just don't get good vibes from him. It's like he is here because someone is making him be here not because he wants to be here. He's just not into it and it shows very clearly. 


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3 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Like he is going to judge her or something. Come on! It's like running into a friend at a strip club. You laugh it off and have a good time anyways! Like I said before, you said fuck it the day you signed the contract. Now get naked and have fun!

She seriously has to grow up. Sign the contract and only pick the cherries out of it wont work, Emma

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1 minute ago, Amy3 said:

@Voyeur House TV Can you please do something about the lighting in Peter and Emma's room. It's like they are sitting around a campfire and you can't  see nothing. 

All bedrooms are always beyond dark when theres action. Exception is the guest couple. The others are acting like moles or vampires. Wonder thats why Anna checked the mirror :biggrin::biggrin:

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2 minutes ago, AJkevin said:


Like you though, it does creates drama and for that I was hopeful for something interesting to happen, but alas after seeing him leap up after sex and throw his clothes on and then seeing him shut down Mia's attempt to get something going in the shower, I gave up. He's a bad fit and the drama he is creating is no fun, just boring and frustrating. I wish they would drop a couple of grade A porn star types in this place. Now, that would get the drama going.

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