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Anna & Alex - Part 1

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2 minutes ago, Voyeur House TV said:

We have forwarded this to russian team. They will talk to him. Thank you for reporting. 

Hope they can talk some sense into him. Rough sex is ok. But no abusing and making her cry. Thats where the redline has to be drawn

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2 minutes ago, Voyeur House TV said:

Looks like what you treat as abuse and violence is normal relations for them. That would explain these quick mood changes. But, we are not psychologists, of course. 

Yeah its kinda strange. I trust youre guys can talk with them and solve the problem

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Sorry, but it's not ok. Love how people can excuse the behavior or an abuser by claiming it's "just their relationship". No, you are not psychologists, if you were you would understand how abuse works. This is quintessential abuser behavior. Just because Anna can snap back, doesn't make it ok.  

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In America, that's domestic  violence, plain and simple. He would be arrested and charged as such, regardless of whether Anna wants him to be or not. Once the crime occurs, the state presses charges on her behalf. It is that way because most abused people are afraid to press charges. It will only get worse, remember, Alex has a .357 or .38 special revolver. We saw it on VV, he was showing it to the girls.

I own many firearms and have a license to carry a concealed handgun with me everywhere I go. I am very pro 2nd amendment, however, someone who snaps in an instant and goes off the deep end with violence, like Alex, should be monitored very carefully when they own a firearm.

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