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Anna & Alex - Part 1

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a & a had about a 7 min fuck with no forplay or oral. gameboy became hungry man & put just about all the other guys on the site to shame. ironbox became tinderbox. she was on fire. very hot & sexy. i am shocked but glad to be wrong. if these guys swing with a & a anna will be after him & pushing alex away. this kid could teach alex a little about how to make anna feel good instead of his usual treat her like shit approach. i hope this is a beginning & not a setup for dissapointment in the future. but for now i'll just enjoy it. they were outstanding!!!!

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5 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

Um & um tinha cerca de 7 min foder com não forplay ou oral. Gameboy tornou-se homem com fome e colocar apenas sobre todos os outros caras no site de vergonha. Ironbox tornou-se tinderbox. Ela estava em chamas. Muito quente e sexy. Estou chocado, mas feliz por estar errado. Se esses sujeitos balançam com um & um anna será após ele & empurrando alex afastado. Este garoto poderia ensinar alex um pouco sobre como fazer anna se sentir bem em vez de seu costume tratá-la como abordagem merda. Espero que este é um começo & não uma configuração para dissapointment no futuro. Mas por agora eu vou apenas apreciá-lo. Eles foram excelente !!!!

Thankfully, all the "loyalists" to this apartment, have the same line of thought and satisfaction. We all win at last (us and them).

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Awaiting now the return of Anna and Alex. If we suspect Anna is following our forum, she has already taken notice of everything we have already said about it here. Crazy to see his reaction with Emma and Peter there. Even if it's the timeline.

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I definitely write one thing and the translation comes out distorting everything.
I mean, flipping our positive and encouraging comments here.
See her or Alex give the congratulations to Peter and Emma. It does not have to be exactly the "parabens" explicitly but the attitudes will make it be transmitted to us

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