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Anna & Alex - Part 1

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The last talk VH had with Alex really shook him up, I think. Haven't seen him be a prick lately.  Options are slim for them and I think he took it to heart this time.  Well, at least until demon alcohol fills his soul again. We'll see.

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2 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

A última conversa que VH tinha com Alex realmente o abalou, eu acho. Não o vi ser um piolho ultimamente. As opções são slim para eles e eu penso que fêz exame à coragem esta vez. Bem, pelo menos até que o álcool demoníaco encha sua alma novamente. Veremos.

I do not have references of him before, but what I could already capture from his comments and from the others here, is that took him to this slope was the demotivation. And consequently the drink.
The fact that Anna simply did not abandon him and supported with him everything that was pointed out here as happened makes her special.
And now together you both have the new opportunity to start again from scratch.
That's how I see you and I'm grateful for them.
And now with Peter and Emma (good influences), this road can be hike more easily and safely.

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