eagleb1 Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 I know its only been one week, but I'm wondering whether any Trump supporters are starting to feel buyer's remorse --- or at least a little uh oh feeling? I'll keep checking every once in a while. 3
MrLurker Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 Not one damn bit. He hasn't even started 95% of what I want & hope he can accomplish. All you progressives & Illegal parasites that don't like it start packing your shit and move somewhere else. 1
Guest Posted January 30, 2017 Posted January 30, 2017 On 1/28/2017 at 7:54 AM, MrLurker said: Not one damn bit. He hasn't even started 95% of what I want & hope he can accomplish. All you progressives & Illegal parasites that don't like it start packing your shit and move somewhere else. Expand I do not live in the U.S. - never have - but in my own way I will gladly follow your kind and well-thought advice of "move somewhere else". After having learned one of Trump´s latest insanities - restrictions for citizens of certain countries to enter United States - I voluntarily restrict our own traveling. My wife suggested before Christmas that we should make a 5-6 days´ cultural trip in April to New York, to museums, theatres, concerts. Fortunately, we had not booked anything yet, and it was easy to change the destination to Madrid. As private persons, we do not have political power but we have financial power - very little of course, but there will be plenty of people who will do the same. We will now spend those 3,000 - 4,000 USD in Spain, and in addition to that, we will avoid buying products made in the U.S.A. (if there really are such products - I know the crazy country of origin rules in the U.S.A, which misguide the consumers) and we will sell the shares of the one U.S. company we have in our portfolio, before the share prices of the U.S. companies start falling down. Our voluntary resignation will definitely be a relief to you Trump adorers - now you can better support him in isolating yourselves inside your walls and make believe that is the way how to make America great again. Many of you may have seen this video already, but I attach it anyhow, as I think it hits to the point https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-xxis7hDOE
eagleb1 Posted February 15, 2017 Author Posted February 15, 2017 Just checking in again. I wonder whether reality has hit anyone yet. 1
eagleb1 Posted March 6, 2017 Author Posted March 6, 2017 Has his insane tweets about a tapp <sic> changed any minds yet?
Thestarider Posted March 6, 2017 Posted March 6, 2017 Yes that President Obama was not as clean cut as his apearence, He knew and probably was behind it, He is running the show from the sidelines for Dems, because thier party is completely falling apart at the seems, and they are grasping at straws, 7 months of investigation on the Russian issue and still no proof of collusion. Makes you wonder just who needs the reality check here. It is not like President Obama didn't approve the tapping of millions of phones by the NSA. Makes you wonder just who really has thier head in the sand ?
eagleb1 Posted March 6, 2017 Author Posted March 6, 2017 On 3/6/2017 at 3:40 PM, Thestarider said: Yes that President Obama was not as clean cut as his apearence, He knew and probably was behind it, He is running the show from the sidelines for Dems, because thier party is completely falling apart at the seems, and they are grasping at straws, 7 months of investigation on the Russian issue and still no proof of collusion. Makes you wonder just who needs the reality check here. It is not like President Obama didn't approve the tapping of millions of phones by the NSA. Makes you wonder just who really has thier head in the sand ? Expand Trump supporters' ability to ignore the craziest behavior on his part just astonishes me. I can answer all of your irrelevant points, but I'll just stick to this alleged Trump Tower tapping. First of all, as president, he should know that he doesn't have the power to order telephone (or other) taps. They require a finding by a federal judge that it is likely that a crime had been committed. So, in the very unlikely case that there was a tap, some unpleasant event had probably occurred there. Second, both the head of the FBI and the director of national intelligence during the period in question have said that there was no tap, and they would have had to hear about it. Do you understand how unprecedented it is for the director of the FBI to call the president a liar? 1
Thestarider Posted March 6, 2017 Posted March 6, 2017 On 3/6/2017 at 7:55 PM, eagleb1 said: Trump supporters' ability to ignore the craziest behavior on his part just astonishes me. I can answer all of your irrelevant points, but I'll just stick to this alleged Trump Tower tapping. First of all, as president, he should know that he doesn't have the power to order telephone (or other) taps. They require a finding by a federal judge that it is likely that a crime had been committed. So, in the very unlikely case that there was a tap, some unpleasant event had probably occurred there. Second, both the head of the FBI and the director of national intelligence during the period in question have said that there was no tap, and they would have had to hear about it. Do you understand how unprecedented it is for the director of the FBI to call the president a liar? Expand For someone so knowellegable, you would then know that the NSA needs no s uch order from the judge because they serve and answer directly to the Pesident. as they are not part the inteligence agencies, but the securtiry administration. There is no doubt Obama had knowellge of the wire taps, and it will come out soon. One report says he did by you got it the New York Liberal Times, and then there are about 20 reports that FBI director has placed lock down orders on his adminstration directing them to find the leaks and deal with them approiately. Quit grasping at straws like the Non Exsistant Russian conection that isn't there. DEMS are on thier last leg and the people are completely fed up with radicalazation of that once great party. It is pretty sad when the Unions bail from the Demicratic party.
ww_watcher Posted March 8, 2017 Posted March 8, 2017 If President Trump wants to do business with Russia, what's the problem? As I understand, we have been working with the Russians in our space program for at least a decade now. We have oil trade and many other "relationship" building activities with them. Are they really any worse than China? They are certainly less dangerous to everyone around them than N. Korea. Kim Jung Un acts like a petulant child but a petulant child can still carelessly blow up their own house and burn down the neighbor's. Presentl,y I don't see the Russians as the enemy they were during the Cold War era. They still occupy an adversarial role in politics but then so does China. I am pretty sure that China tried to influence the elections in some way but no one is looking. Why? Because they own most of our debt. Saudi Arabia paid huge amounts of money to try and insure Mrs Clinton made it to the White House. Gone from the news now because of a failure to launch...er uh land. The Saud family may not be our enemy, overtly, but they are certainly not our friend. They have only oil as a natural resource, and no other export products, and would love to own the US. I will assert that Putin knows it would be much better and easier to do business with the US than try to manage (govern) a group of people (Americans) who would never tolerate any regime in Russia's past.
ww_watcher Posted March 8, 2017 Posted March 8, 2017 On 3/6/2017 at 7:55 PM, eagleb1 said: Trump supporters' ability to ignore the craziest behavior on his part just astonishes me. I can answer all of your irrelevant points, but I'll just stick to this alleged Trump Tower tapping. First of all, as president, he should know that he doesn't have the power to order telephone (or other) taps. They require a finding by a federal judge that it is likely that a crime had been committed. So, in the very unlikely case that there was a tap, some unpleasant event had probably occurred there. Second, both the head of the FBI and the director of national intelligence during the period in question have said that there was no tap, and they would have had to hear about it. Do you understand how unprecedented it is for the director of the FBI to call the president a liar? Expand Thestarider addressed this already but I thought I might add that Director Comey did not pursue Mrs Clinton as he should have, after the election results, so his credibility, intentions, and opinions are questionable at best. The director of National Intelligence has been lying about their actions and intent for many decades so why believe them now?
eagleb1 Posted March 8, 2017 Author Posted March 8, 2017 On 3/6/2017 at 8:09 PM, Thestarider said: For someone so knowellegable, you would then know that the NSA needs no s uch order from the judge because they serve and answer directly to the Pesident. as they are not part the inteligence agencies, but the securtiry administration. There is no doubt Obama had knowellge of the wire taps, and it will come out soon. One report says he did by you got it the New York Liberal Times, and then there are about 20 reports that FBI director has placed lock down orders on his adminstration directing them to find the leaks and deal with them approiately. Quit grasping at straws like the Non Exsistant Russian conection that isn't there. DEMS are on thier last leg and the people are completely fed up with radicalazation of that once great party. It is pretty sad when the Unions bail from the Demicratic party. Expand You guys wear me out. I probably don't follow the alleged factual media that you do. I'm really not going to spend a lot of time with this. 1. Unless you have inside information, the NSA cannot tap calls without a judge's approval. What they did, and that might be bad enough, was to track who called whom. I imagine in some cases that led to seeking a court order to intercept specific communications. 2. I have no idea what you mean by "One report says he did by you got it the New York Liberal Times, and then there are about 20 reports that FBI director has placed lock down orders on his adminstration directing them to find the leaks and deal with them approiately." If you can translate that into English, I might bother to reply. 3. Neither I nor you know what connection there is between the Trump administration and Russia. There are enough serious questions that it warrants a thorough examination. I'll reserve judgement until an independent body can investigate.
Thestarider Posted March 8, 2017 Posted March 8, 2017 7 months and still no real connection, I would say it is time to put it to bed and move on the governing the country, but the Liberal media and dems still can't accept they lost the white house, and if they continue to be so radical and whining about it, they will loose more seats in 2018 because people are sick already of the same old bullshit, and the republicans will have a super majority in the senate, We have far more important things to occupy our inteligent agencies rather waste time such Bullshit like the non exsistant connection with Russians and Trump. Like I have said before and will continue to say GET OVER IT.
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