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Barcelona Apt. #2 ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos January to March 2017

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3 minutes ago, happyone said:

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz demasiado larga :biggrin:

It has an easy solution, do not read it ...
But I like to explain why I say things, especially for the new people, which takes little time, and I would not understand my position.

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6 minutes ago, vortios said:

If it's true, these girls (from RLC, you could get a lot more performance) Jess has a well proportioned body and is a good dancer, Nora is a total showgirl, has a body that any man would want, knows how to move, and Last we have Nora, who does not think she is shy in the show. She, I do not think she puts many reservations to the shows with the other girls, She has already proven it with kisses, caresses, but not to be confused with her sexual condition, she is totally heterosexual.

Very well summed up vortios and I couldn't agree more; in fact life in what is now b-1 was for me sometimes more pleasurable than now although the team of Nora, Irma and Jess is something we all dreamed of and it has come to pass so it's not all bad.

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Just now, Snakeater said:

Para larga y lo que estás tratando de decir?

I will say it in Spanish so that you do not have problems in misinterpreting me.

Creo que la doble vida de las chicas fuera de la casa, está perjudicando muy negativamente en las casas. 

Una de las causas (no la única) fue la entrada de amigos de Nicole en casa). Lo demás ya lo he expuesto, y no voy a estar repitiendo.

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3 minutes ago, happyman88 said:

Muy bien resumió vortios y no podría estar más de acuerdo; en la vida hecho en lo que ahora es b-1 era para mí a veces más placentero que ahora, aunque el equipo de Nora, Irma y Jess es algo que todos soñamos y que ha llegado a pasar por lo que no es del todo malo.

But something is wrong, because I think that the situation is not taken to the maximum advantage

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3 minutes ago, vortios said:

I will say it in Spanish so that you do not have problems in misinterpreting me.

I think the double life of the girls out of the house, is hurting very negatively in the houses. 

One reason (not the only) was the entry of friends Nicole at home). Everything else I have seen, and I will not be repeating.

it is some spanish I think google translater is having trouble with. If the girls were in the apts 24 hours a day with time outside only 2 get groceries , I think the girls would go stir crazy and be at each others throats. They need  time out of the apt. and what they do with it is their business. 

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Just now, Snakeater said:

Se trata de unos españoles creo que google traductor está teniendo problemas con el. Si las chicas estaban en los apartamentos de 24 horas al día con el tiempo fuera de sólo el 2 conseguir provisiones, creo que las chicas se van inquietos y estar en cada otros gargantas. Necesitan tiempo fuera de la APT. y lo que hacen con él es su negocio. 

No estamos hablando que las chicas no salgan a la calle. De hecho todas lo han hecho, para hacer compras, para visitar la ciudad, para salir a comer y a cenar, para ir a discotecas y club a bailar, y coquetear con chicos... eso es lo más normal del mundo, pero nunca trajeron chicos a casa.

Pero es que ese tampoco creo que sea el problema que se está hablando, creo.


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1 minute ago, vortios said:

We're not talking girls do not go on the street. In fact all they have done, to shop, to visit the city, to go out for lunch and dinner, to go to clubs and club to dance and flirt with guys ... that's the most normal thing in the world, but never brought boys home.

But it is that not think that is the problem you are talking about, I think.


What I understood was someone complained the girls spent to much time out of the apt.

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1 minute ago, Snakeater said:

Mi google traductor realmente está haciendo un mal trabajo últimamente. No sé si es el languge o los dialectos que está teniendo problemas con el. Si me malinterprete algo que alguien ha dicho o dice lo siento, no es intencional. 

I know what it is to have problems with the translator ... and of course, I apologize for mistakes or misinterpretations, and I appreciate your patience with reading my comments.

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