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Kamila, Kristy & Heidi ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos March 2017.

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I hope it's all calmed down on here guys. At the end of the day we can analyse and over analyse what's real and what isn't, and everyone's interpretation might be different but if we enjoy what we're seeing. then that's all that matters. Out expectation levels have risen dramatically so we expect the girls to deliver everytime but if they're happy with some nudity and nothing else, like the twins and Gina, if I like what I see, and I usually do,  then this teasing is fine with me. 

BTW I'm only talking about the girls houses here you know...::)

Anyway, I've posted this in the KKH thread because I just wanted to say that Madam Butterfly, Heidi, is on fire at the moment...3 nights in a row now that she entertained us...I bet she's a great fuck.... :biggrin: Mr Heidi won't have any problem parking the car in the garage with those fantastc flaps of hers to guide him in...:angel:

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