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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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We've all known that the twins and Angelina will be going soon but with the twins on 85 days today and Angel on a collective 81 there could be a lot of personnel movements this week. Moreover, Angelina said something to Rosie this morning when she was in bed that she clearly was saddened to hear and with her going out early for a four hour excursion and with her packing clothes into the carrier bag a short time ago and lots of kisses at the end of the voice mail before going out again a couple of hours ago, it suggests to me she has met with her boyfriend earlier and will be away for the rest of the day and maybe the night as a prelude to a possible early final departure. 

Hope you've got the band on stand by Thes, they could be in for a busy weekend :biggrin:

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