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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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3 minutes ago, martyen said:

Hello everyone, very good evening in B1. Not many points negative (Kylie, Gina) for their shyness, but I understand they do not like girls but Lola has a seduction power Gina careful. Kylie why you went into the bathroom you broke a promising duet. And Stella but it's personal I do not like this girl. Since his first visit.... The positive points the atmosphere, the charm of Gina her shyness yes I know I put it also in the negative points, but resisting Lola is a positive point for the future. His kindness to Kylie. I like this girl .... Thank you for this party :heart::heart:

Bonjour Martyen, je suis d'accord avec vous à propos de Kylie : elle a voulu se mettre au diapason, mais cela ne lui convient pas. Quant à son "amie", je suis toujours en osmose avec vous : ele est dangereuse. Et puis Gina : même sans additif cette fille rayonne. J'aime un peu plus Kylie. Laissons le temps agir , la party était bien et je les remercie pour cela.

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