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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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Who's birthday...any idea?

i believe Sofie is being wasted...she is perfect for this project but being shy like Anna from 2015... somehow she is stuck with Nicole who would never do anything.. I think Sofie is arguably the horniest girl in RLC (not including Masha or Leora as it seems to be a part of their contract to show that they are always horny)...did bating for 6 consecutive night...she is cute, single and has a thing for girls ..i am still wondering what she and Nicole did in the bathroom a couple of days back...

but Anna and Lola have really disappointed me... they seem relaxed with a boring lifestyle...yes beardo brought all the fun last year but these girls need to realize that there are ppl waiting to see some entertainment... i think RLC should change the contract type.there should be a small portion of fixed pay and major portion or commission linked to performance....

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Although the main problem is the attitude of the girls...who are happy with being boring and lazy all days... but if a little tweak was needed...then Caro should come back soon..she has been the most desirable girl in Barca...everyone from rosemary, lola, anna, stella and men who came here...have tried to make out with her....

Plus waiting for beardo or some horny men to be included in the equation otherwise i see nothing happening here... girls are watching movies every night...and on thursday both set of girls were watching the same movie separately...loool...

sorry if u ppl have already discussed all these things... but i just wanted to say whatever was on my mind...

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