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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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1 minute ago, StnCld316 said:

ni siquiera vale la pena preguntar ellos. Ellos sólo le dan la Spiel drama que están viviendo sus vidas reales.

RLC can pay the girls what they want ... but we do not pay RLC, so there are empty houses or girls sleeping. I think you can understand me.

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So seem the upgrade the cam quality..now only if we had something interesting to watch..another under maintenance..god knows why..because absolutely nothing it's was going on as usual,the new girl was miss in action and Stella as out with her..gess they upgraded the cams to better quality..now we can watch the same routine dances and massages..or empty apartments..thanks rlc!Now in full hd!

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1 hour ago, MrBox said:

.... casting ... ? ... That would be nice ... :)

Indeed,better image but to watch the usual stuff,probably the twins will leave and other twins will replace them..but heyy..better image quality.

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