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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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14 minutes ago, JD007 said:

Rosie pulled up the covers some more I see. I used a stop sign for cover once in younger days.

Poor Rose bless her heart she's to out of it to get the covers.:angel:  Shouldn't laugh but it is rather funny.:biggrin:  Makes me like her even more.:heart:

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I like the forum when you joke, do not take everything to the 1st degree even if sometimes I am annoyed by the B1 & B2 and RLC politicsI often write emails to RLC to complain, and to reply that they have no influence on the apartments they are also funny :biggrin:

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Just now, DES7469 said:

Poor Rose bless her heart she's to out of it to get the covers.:angel:  Shouldn't laugh but it is rather funny.:biggrin:  Makes me like her even more.:heart:

I like the hell out of her. I have no doubt she would be a fun girl on a date ::)

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1 minute ago, JD007 said:

I like the hell out of her. I have no doubt she would be a fun girl on a date ::)

She was the hornier of the three and was really making an effort to entertain the viewers. As I said it was a pity the evening's efforts went pear shape. It could have ended as being one to remember, up there with the greats. 

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il y a 3 minutes, Nari Dog a dit :

Elle était la plus excitée des trois et a vraiment fait un effort pour divertir les téléspectateurs. Comme je l'ai dit qu'il était dommage les efforts de la soirée se sont en forme de poire. Il aurait pu se terminer comme étant l'un de se rappeler, là-haut avec les grands noms. 

Ange nous a fait une Jasmin

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