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Anna & Alex - Part 2

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1 hour ago, bean1111 said:

I really want to know why you are hung up on his dick size? My mother use to say 'thou doth protest too much'. Are you jealous, you mention his dick way to many times.  

As I said imo it was extremely small and in all my posts its the only time I have ever commented on someone's small dick---so as your mother said "thou doth protest too much" are you self conscious about your dick size maybe?

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3 minutes ago, sr71gn said:

she hasn't left since party-I get the impression her boyfriend dumped her and she is taking it very hard

probably. but i think it may have been her 1st boyfriend. she didn't have sex with him when they stayed over last week & she didn't touch alex's dick when she was fooling around a couple of weeks ago.

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