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Anna & Alex - Part 2

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Okay ...what is going on here.  Weird...there are two dumpy looking guys in the LR.  They seem to be waiting for a party to start...as if they won some kind of prize (or paid for the privilege of being there?)  Now there at least SEVEN HOT girls there with seemingly more on the way?  The two guys are being kept away from the women who are huddled in the kitchen and bathroom.


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Whatever is happening, VH had better not fuck this up with technical issues like cameras going dead, lagging, buffering OR THE FUCKING POWER GOING OUT!  LAST CHANCE!!!!

Also A&A don't drag this on till the wee hours like you have been!!!

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2 minutes ago, maxfactor said:

O que quer que esteja acontecendo, VH tem melhor não foder isso com questões técnicas como câmeras que vão morto, atraso, buffering ou o poder foda! ÚLTIMA CHANCE!!!!

Também A & A não arrastar este até as horas pequeninas como você foi !!!

As for not dragging for hours closer and brief, lose hope. Nothing happens there before 06 AM. And for this time we still have a lot of running.
If this "unwritten" rule is broken today, we can really credit VH that significant changes to the site are in the process of happening.

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