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Anna & Alex - Part 2

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10 minutes ago, sr71gn said:

I know that if they arrange a rematch I am definitely paying for another month

If you count to your satisfaction, under blankets or hidden from the cams, as it was exactly now for 10 minutes behind the front door, then you can renew your signature.

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4 minutes ago, thedbear said:

Se você contar para sua satisfação, sob cobertores ou escondido das câmeras, como era exatamente agora por 10 minutos atrás da porta da frente , então você pode renovar sua assinatura.

Justifying, they left the door at 03:47, did not lock and went in at 03:57 without ringing the bell. The door therefore remained open, so they did not leave the building.
And for 10 minutes he did not even have time to take a lift.

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