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Anna & Alex - Part 2

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Yep. Anna doesn't like girls that she perceives as better then her. Especially when her boyfriend likes the girl, which Alex clearly did. And who can blame him? Not me! There you go. Another up for Alex. Imagine that!

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if we go further back to vv i remember anna being extremely possesive of alex to the point of showing anita that she had it and anita wasn't going to get it. this led to alex doing something in the hidden room with carmen. anna being too possesive here after alex has tasted something else is not going to help her to keep him.

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32 minutes ago, Yury said:

Anna estava infeliz que Alex falasse mal de um dos pares de convidados. A própria Anna não sentia simpatia pelo outro casal. Disputa se transformou em um escândalo. Eles chamam nomes reais, então eu não sei quem por quem está insatisfeito. Como eu entendo, o cão pertence a um desses pares.

From what you point out the focus of rupture then becomes the non-exchange between peers. Jokes and preliminaries, but nothing else.

One point that everyone here "VV" veterans noted was a positive thing to their first couples event in the other apartment.

I have not lived this reality before but I can not see evolution if kept this position because they limit the current options.

Or you break it and trust what was the case and tell yourself in passing a success.

Or it keeps up and the resulting results (purposeful redundancy) are the ones we have here.
Failures and subject to disasters. Similar to chair and bondage. Happy in this comparison and analogy here.

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19 minutes ago, cyberleader said:

Eu realmente espero que eles fiquem juntos, talvez alex precise de ajuda, mas sem anna eu temo que é um declive escorregadio para a destruição, talvez ela poderia treinar sua força interior para procurar a ajuda que ele precisa. O primeiro passo é a admissão .. 

Eu acredito que há amor lá entre eles, mesmo aqueles que foram casados por anos argue.true amor com sempre truimph


Totally in accordance with each syllable used for these sentences and union of thoughts and ideas.

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14 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

eu acho que Anna não quer doces para voltar porque alex gosta dela. e sem a outros casais a & a que não são interessantes. a troca configurá-los para além de outros aptos.

Just something to note here. Candy is Candy and Anna is Anna.

And Anna will always be there at any moment. With Candy or any other that comes later.

Candy will only be there for a few tickets and accompanying Dean. Even if Alex has a chance opportunity with her.

Is my line of reasoning wrong?

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i believe as i said that without the swapping a & a are not that interesting. the people that have seen them on vv allready know this. now they are fighting again. they are not going to last like this. either they will kill each other or vh will get rid of them eventually because they will not get the views on their own. before vh anna was very possesive of alex. that backfired and she was forced to give in to the swapping & allowing him to taste the forbidden fruit. now he likes it & she wants to stop but it's too late. so far all of the girls like alex & he likes the partying. if she tries to stop the couples parties they are going to keep fighting & it's not going to be pretty. thanks to yury's translation we now know that it was anna that messed up the weekend. everyone on this forum was very dissapointed with that. i and probably almost everyone else was blaming alex for everything but now i see why he was angry. and i'm not giving him a pass to be abusive but at least i'm getting some understanding of the situation. i really don't think they will last much longer on the cam sites or as a couple.

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23 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

i believe as i said that without the swapping a & a are not that interesting. the people that have seen them on vv allready know this. now they are fighting again. they are not going to last like this. either they will kill each other or vh will get rid of them eventually because they will not get the views on their own. before vh anna was very possesive of alex. that backfired and she was forced to give in to the swapping & allowing him to taste the forbidden fruit. now he likes it & she wants to stop but it's too late. so far all of the girls like alex & he likes the partying. if she tries to stop the couples parties they are going to keep fighting & it's not going to be pretty. thanks to yury's translation we now know that it was anna that messed up the weekend. everone on this forum was very dissapointed with that. i and probably almost everyone else was blaming alex for everything but now i see why he was angry. and i'm not giving him a pass to be abusive but at least i'm getting some understanding of the situation. i really don't think they will last much longer on the cam sites or as a couple.


Alex in turn in turn still excited with the songs there.
Phil Colins really is too good to command and so are the previous ones too.

(This passage was only to reinforce that the songs chosen there were first class and stimulating to what was intended.)


Unfortunately what I saw in sequence to this was that everyone left him alone and they were retiring.

This way until I give a Fuck you to all and I turn to my escapes that in the case would be the bottle or in second option the company of my newest and little four-legged friend.

The consequences of the bottle option we all know as always follows. Both for the "actions" there and for the "encouraging" reactions here

Unfortunately the timeline jumps on this and other key points and I will have to try again to check them out.


Not everyone here was playing the "burden of guilt" on Alex for the last group match.

One thing, however, is now certain.
We see Dean and Candy passing through that door in or Dana and Rex it is reliable that the "peace" and the "agreement and consensus" has somehow been celebrated.

What if we see the four guests and the single girl passing through the door?

Wow ..... Burst out the "popcorn" and watch. Loaded in butter .lol:biggrin:


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One thing for sure is that viewership will drastically drop if it's just sex between them. Me personally, I'll be fine if I never see it again. The drama that is their relationship will only go so far with the vast majority of viewers that really just want to see some sex. 

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2 hours ago, golfer06 said:

i think that anna doesn't want candy to come back because alex likes her. and without the other couples a & a are not that interesting. the swapping set them apart from the other apts.

Is Candy the long haired brunette that always smiling and having a good time? I'm trying to keep up, but i'm slow

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