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Voyeur-Villa Tech Issues

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Dear members and viewers,

below is update about planning events and tech issues.  I join all questions about tech issues here and as well going duplicate this post in Voyeur-Villa Tech Issues.


1) Tomorrow we planning final part of beauty contest at new apartments GreenWood. About time when the party going to start we shall inform later in Twitter and here

Below is information from tech team:


1) As tech team inform me they just finished work with archive, everything seems to work well, fix few bugs. Shall be grateful for you for comments about any bugs

2)  About archive, all questions about how it's work is here https://voyeur-villa.com/info-record-video

3) All program work is divided by 4 phases. Phase 1 is new Web design and completely new broadcasting code with the same functionality as now. Planning to be finished in the end of May, than we shall need around two weeks for beta testing. I asked programmers guys move timeline task from the 2 phase to first and it's already done. It's not sure that we could do timeline before new version, but for sure will be presented in May

4) Amy, it was you question about REC button on mobile devices. Tech team said it's not so easy because you have picture on entire screen, going to see what is possible to done. But already make a task about this

5) Issues below was fixed

 Great idea making a topic here for collecting technical issues. So let me start here. Two things:

One: Sometimes it takes quite a long time when switching cams lately. You click on a cam and it takes about 10-15 sec until the cam starts to load.

Two: I noticed that there are only 5 mins videos in archive lately. Seems longer vids don't get added.





Hall cam in Voro not working right. Its more you get a steady picture when clicking on it instead of video


the problem seems to be at camera, we are planing to change 4-5 cams at May and this one of course, going to make update when the dates of camera changes will be clear


7) About


So I pretty much missed the entire party tonight because the cams would not load at all. If you want to throttle the servers for free users that's fine, but at least have good enough servers for the cams to at least load up so people know what's going on.


We have different bandwith and servers for members with subscription and for other customers. For customers without subscription we couldn't guarantee quality in peak hours, in future maybe going to move all servers to one place


8) About


Cam8 in Tver has a rather blue image. Can you please fix


Thank for note, already at work, specialist going to check it


9) About stacking of cameras at Tula at NV and issues below


The camera in kitchen 7 the night vision needs replaced it has not worked properly ever the cameras in living room 8 needs adjusted to the right and 9 needs adjusted to the left a little and down a little . I f you want to show people that you are serious about making changes for the good start with Tula, I hope you are going to move Tula to the place that Ivo is working on.


Thank you again, already passed to specialist. May be problem is in cameras itself, going to check


10) About


All cams are skipping several seconds in new GreenWood place


Fixed, shall be grateful to any further comments if error shall repeat


11) Kitchen cam7 is even jumping backwards. Just jumped from 20:47:21 to 20:47:16


Passed to specialist to check the cam


12) Cam10 in GreenWood not loading





GreenWood is real jumpy it is no fun to watch 

GreenWood  camera 7  the people are yellow 

 Volga  camera 15 has a hart time loading up, a lot of buffering 




14) About


HEY!  VV.  How comes your Dubna house cams aren't loading.  First fricking interesting thing going on in that house for a month and the dam cams won't load.  I was in it.  Went to Tyner House to see if anythings going on.  Went back, would not load. I reset my browser, rebooted my computer.  All the other houses load but this one!!!


Keep this up and you won't get another month out of me..  I'm trying you and it's bad enough I didn't know it was recurring.  so far, I'm not real impressed.  It would seem as if you would have someone watching this forum  or at least flagging it. Guess not... 


Ok. I see.  now that everything is over and it would stand to reason the viewers dropped; the cams load.  Obviously your servers can't handle the load.  Time to up grade guys!  


Maybe it was caused by peak time, maybe problem in your settings. If problem continues please contact from you email to support


15) About


volga cam 4 is horrible. bad picture quality & skips & loops backward constantly.


we havn't this problem, so if you have it permanently please contact from you email to support


16) About


Volga cam 8 freezes


Thank you, working on it


17) About


Volga the bathroom cam is fuck up still.


Thank you, working on it




Thank for all our members and viewers, we are working for you!


Your Voyeur-Villa Team

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Cam 10 in Dubna is just awful. Horrible framerate, bad quality, and to top it off it's blurry too. Can we get that fixed? While we're at it, how about a third cam? Maybe where that wire is sticking out of the wall.

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36 minutes ago, cx2328 said:

Cam 10 in Dubna is just awful. Horrible framerate, bad quality, and to top it off it's blurry too. Can we get that fixed? While we're at it, how about a third cam? Maybe where that wire is sticking out of the wall.

I second that @VoyeurVillaNews. Please fix cam10 and add a cam here facing the bed: 


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Also, it looks like cam 6 in Volga got knocked to the right. Needs to go back to the left a little bit. Cam 9 in Tula still hasn't been repositioned yet either. It's been pointing too far up since they had the Miss VV at their place. It was fine then because they moved it to point toward the party but never pointed it back. Look in the archive to see where it used to point compared to where it points now. 

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8 minutes ago, cx2328 said:

Also, it looks like cam 6 in Volga got knocked to the right. Needs to go back to the left a little bit. Cam 9 in Tula still hasn't been repositioned yet either. It's been pointing too far up since they had the Miss VV at their place. It was fine then because they moved it to point toward the party but never pointed it back. Look in the archive to see where it used to point compared to where it points now. 

Yes completely right. Two more cams to fix @VoyeurVillaNews :biggrin:

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Hey @VoyeurVillaNews , I went ahead and canceled my subscription since you can't seem to get these simple issues fixed. It takes what, 30 seconds to call your tenants and ask them to move their cameras back to where they were? Fixing cam 10 in Dubna would take longer I understand, because the camera probably has to be replaced or something. Getting the cameras moved back to where they were in Tula and Volga, however, could have and should have been taken care of already. I even opened a support ticket 8 DAYS AGO on the 22nd about the one in Tula and it's still open. Nobody has even responded to it. I know losing one customer probably isn't a big deal to you but if these issues don't get fixed I'm sure there will be more. Seriously, go to every cam and ask yourself "would I pay to see this?" If the answer is no, then that cam needs to be fixed.  I hope these issues can get fixed before my time remaining expires because you'll have me back once they are.

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14 minutes ago, cx2328 said:

Hey @VoyeurVillaNews , I went ahead and canceled my subscription since you can't seem to get these simple issues fixed. It takes what, 30 seconds to call your tenants and ask them to move their cameras back to where they were? Fixing cam 10 in Dubna would take longer I understand, because the camera probably has to be replaced or something. Getting the cameras moved back to where they were in Tula and Volga, however, could have and should have been taken care of already. I even opened a support ticket 8 DAYS AGO on the 22nd about the one in Tula and it's still open. Nobody has even responded to it. I know losing one customer probably isn't a big deal to you but if these issues don't get fixed I'm sure there will be more. Seriously, go to every cam and ask yourself "would I pay to see this?" If the answer is no, then that cam needs to be fixed.  I hope these issues can get fixed before my time remaining expires because you'll have me back once they are.

He's right @VoyeurVillaNewsThose issues should be fixed much faster. And the bathroom cam in Volga is not working on mobile devices.

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