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6 minutes ago, Gudari said:

I said I'm sorry, I misunderstood. But in this case I request it because it seems to me that the room and Rose and Artur cameras are a disgrace! They are not at the level of quality for this site. It is my thought.

You certainly get no argument from me- I agree

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1 minute ago, Gudari said:

I'm sorry, now I do not understand what you mean with this. Do you think a good room and good location of cameras?

I'm saying I agree that room rose and artur are in is bad and so are their cams----

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Although it is funny sometimes when artur is buried balls deep in rose and someone walks in the door --Artur acts like a cat on a hot tin roof haha---I think she is so tight that he has trouble withdrawing so fast

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18 minutes ago, sr71gn said:

Aunque es divertido a veces, cuando Artur está enterrado bolas profundas en rosa y alguien entra por la puerta --Artur actúa como un gato sobre el tejado de zinc caliente jaja --- Creo que ella es tan estrecho que no tiene problemas para retirar de manera rápida

I also agree, it is fun, but they should at least approach those cameras where the action, i.e., bed, is to see better. There is a great difference in visibility of this room with respect to others and especially to the last open apartment, Silvia, Josh, Eric, Layla... There you see all the action in all its glory. It's fun, Yes, but I think we see much less action between Artur and Rose for that reason, because they have very little privacy.

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