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Silvia & Josh

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Booo hiss! Other powder for Artur and Rose in the shower! In part it is normal and they make enough already with little privacy in her room. These two increasingly have more sex and hot! I like it! I opt for a change of rooms at this moment, Vlad and Amy moving to room Artur and Rose and vice versa. For what it already between Vlad and Amy... better see a change of room between them, sure that Rose and leverage Artur better!

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The truth is that Rose is becoming a predatory true! Ate her close friend Tory in a very short time and at the end is going to end up eating her other friend Amy along with Vlad. It seems that Rose is very hungry for success on VH!

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22 minutes ago, Gudari said:

The truth is that Rose is becoming a predatory true! Ate her close friend Tory in a very short time and at the end is going to end up eating her other friend Amy along with Vlad. It seems that Rose is very hungry for success on VH!

You are right Amy won't have a future here when she not change drastically.

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I think rose being so young in the romance game has happened on just the right kind of guy for her(except she has to teach him to eat pussy-which I'm sure she will do soon) He is strong and maintains how a man is supposed to act--She can not just boss him around and he doesn't just bow down to her every wish and desire---They have a balanced relationship --the exact opposite of Josh and silvia--Josh is like a little lap dog and lady in waiting to silvia---This is very unhealthy for silvia and keeps her from finding her sexual being--Silvia needs a real man SOON --one that she will feel the need to chase and adore---then maybe she will let her hot side emerge and she will desire to ride this new man


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8 minutes ago, sr71gn said:

Creo que levanté siendo tan joven en el juego el romance ha sucedido en sólo el tipo de chico para ella (a menos que ella tiene que enseñarle a comer el coño, que estoy seguro de que lo hará pronto) Él es fuerte y mantiene cómo un hombre se supone que actuar - ella puede no sólo jefe a su alrededor y que no solo se inclinan a su cada deseo y el deseo --- tienen una relación equilibrada --el exactamente lo contrario de Josh y Silvia - Josh es como una pequeño perro regazo y dama de Silvia --- Esto es muy poco saludable para Silvia y le impide encontrar a su ser sexual - Silvia necesita un hombre muy pronto --- entonces tal vez ella va a dejar que emerja su lado caliente y ella deseará para montar este nuevo hombre


I agree with you on some things, but I think you've chosen the two couples are the counterpoint! They are very different. Artur and Rose are a couple more fresh and Rose, although it is very in love with Artur, va learning little that you have to let your space. I think that Artur is not as dependent as it Rose, but I think that she will be learning this little by little. The case of Silvia and Josh, I think that it will be a little long-lasting relationship because of the two. Josh is too heavy with it and too possessive and jealous but not everything is his fault, I think Silvia is not as in love as he or she is too selfish, I think she does nothing to keep that relationship. It may be that Silvia not is da has many times has a man on the side that gives everything he can to make it happy. I hope that is account one day what can be lost.

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7 minutes ago, sr71gn said:

Gudari   ha sido una especie de derecho en su crítica de la actuación de Silvia y le fue tan bien en ella no conseguir en la parte superior y montada en su hombre--

No, my work is based not only on sex. I think that Silvia does not pay too much attention to Josh and I think that if it did, they could speak both how feel, what bothers them and they like each other. I think that Josh would be willing to speak, I do not believe the same of Silvia, she would only say what you do not like Josh and then would cry as he has done many times. I love Silvia, in truth, I think the two are very natural, but I think that Silvia has a fairly large problem of selfishness.

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