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20 minutes ago, Hectorxx1 said:

Without context @Amy3  reply can be confusing but I'll let her explain the history of desktop wallpaper. 

Amy you're getting all the attention from VH tenants LOL! I hope you start to your influence for good/perv mankind. 

I am doing all I can to keep everybody on their toes.

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A consensus opinion of historians is that Stalin murderers about 20 million people. If Eric supports that kind of person and ideology, should you? I won't and implore all of you not to either, by boycotting all that he does. I will only view him for the sole purpose of spotting negative things to say about him. I will be a thorn in his side until he leaves.

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Guest wolf1111
43 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

A consensus opinion of historians is that Stalin murderers about 20 million people. If Eric supports that kind of person and ideology, should you? I won't and implore all of you not to either, by boycotting all that he does. I will only view him for the sole purpose of spotting negative things to say about him. I will be a thorn in his side until he leaves.

Stalin is an ass. he was especially an ass to Ukrainians. if this guy supports him, it's because he did not listen in classes and/or is a total jerk and should be used to stereotype this great nation

but the sex was good.

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1 hour ago, Amy3 said:

The other day I made a big stink about Eric's hammer and sickle wallpaper on his computer.  He is either stupid or he is a Stalin supporter, or both. 2 days later he changed it to a middle finger, which I presume is pointed at me.


I'm pretty sure he's stupid either way. Either he doesn't know history, or he does and thinks communism is a good thing, see, stupid either way. If the old communist system was in place he'd be in the military at his age, not getting paid to act dopey, fuck his girlfriend on VHTV, rent free. VHTV wouldn't exist, and if it did and the kgb found out about it, off to siberia, where blond large breasted women who will suck your dick daily, dont exist.

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5 hours ago, Amy3 said:

A consensus opinion of historians is that Stalin murderers about 20 million people. If Eric supports that kind of person and ideology, should you? I won't and implore all of you not to either, by boycotting all that he does. I will only view him for the sole purpose of spotting negative things to say about him. I will be a thorn in his side until he leaves.

Sorry to disappoint you Amy3 but the hammer and sickle have nothing to do with Stalin...

The Soviet flag in use until the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 comprised a hammer and sickle design over a red background. During the Soviet era the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, as one of the fifteen Soviet republics, used the red Soviet flag with a blue bar along its near side. Since 1993 the hammer and sickle has been replaced by a white, blue and red tricolour. 

And by the way... the Russians are still ruled by the communists. If Eric is showing the Russian flag on his PC then I would presume he is a patriot.... the same as any American or British (me) could also show their country's flag. This does not mean however that I support or agree with everything that my country does or has done historically. It does mean that I am proud to be British or, as in your case, proud to be an American and in Eric's case Russian.

Secondly, talking about historical facts. After learning in school about the wars, communism, slavery I later found out (in my adult years) from my American friends that what I was taught differs from what my American friends were taught. They also differ from my Ukrainian friends and from my Romanian wife. So you see... each country teaches its own version of the truth... and of course... Eric, still being green behind the ears is most likely to believe what his country's education system teaches him.

The expression "Don't judge a book by it's cover" should be applicable to all peoples and ethnicity's. I do not know Eric personally... therefore I do not judge him just the same as I do not know you and therefore I have respect for your opinions but do not judge you based on those opinions.  

And to end I would like to say to all members that the world would surely be a nicer, happier place if we all projected Positive energy into our comments and actions instead of all the Negativity that some members are capable of

Well, that's my little contribution to mankind today so now, seeing as my wife told me my hair is too long and I look like an overage hippy I am off to get my hair cut :biggrin:

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