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Julia & Eric - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos January to July 2017

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  • StnCld316 changed the title to Julia & Eric ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos January 2017. to April 2017.

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This Thread is for General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos

If you have any Pictures or Videos of this Apartments Tenants Please place them in their Proper Threads.

Please Stay on Topic. Any Off Topic Comments or Quotes will be removed.

Example:   If Kristy and Her BF are getting it on then it is to be discussed in the Proper Thread that it takes place in or the Time when someone goes to Sleep or Wakes Report that in Their Proper Threads.

If you're going to chat about anything other than the Apartment. Please use the Proper Threads for that Subject.

If there isn't a Subject, Please make one.


Please Note: Everyone has the right to express their opinions and to be heard.

Not everyone is going to share that same opinion and everyone has the right to express themselves in a Respectful Manner.

Do not attack another Members Comments and/or Quotes just because you don't share the same views.

Any Derogatory Comments Will be Removed.

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Hello again Julia.........................How are you today ?  Still not showing anything I see........LOL  !   Send the boyfriend to sleep and  give us a little show, please.....................

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35 minutes ago, slider_69 said:

Hello again Julia.........................How are you today ?  Still not showing anything I see........LOL  !   Send the boyfriend to sleep and  give us a little show, please.....................

Damn......am I the only guy that looks at this girl ???   No one else seems to comment !

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Rod001, I don´t understand the dates you mark to your posts. Now you have published pictures that you say are from Julia and Eric First Real Hot Sex in LV 2017-05-02. But the pictures are taken from the sex session of which Willem05 posted a video on February 14 and you posted the same on April 19. Why call old videos and pictures new by putting new dates?

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