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Anna & Alex, Bree & Drew - Part 1

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its the handling food after fiddling with ya bits that got me,would anyone here accept food from someone male or female who just had their hands on their bits and someone eleses bits,

ya bet ya bollox to barn dance ya would not

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1 hour ago, jabbath1987 said:

Really wonder what was wrong with Lisa? What did she expect when living with Anna and Alex? I guess AA learned from the Ashley slow down and now guests must adapt and not the other way round

I hit the timeline and what may have resulted in Lisa's exit (if it happened) was on the loggiaΒ along with the others.

I think somehow she would not be ready yet. Maybe with Bree and Drew or even Terry, (if she's still there) things might be more promising.

One thing, however, is that Anna and Alex are not "careful" and "cautious", but as we have already observed here, applying iteratively shock treatment.
And the result of this (favorable or reactive) will soon be seen there.


Remember, that by the proposed design, Lisa is not expected to add with Misty or with Anna and Alex and yes to form together with James (?) To a proper place. The time for her to prepare properly for this is now. Taking advantage or wasting is your option,
It has surprised us considerably in a few days, It can continue like this. Or not .

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