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Posts posted by Admin

  1. Here is a tutorial on how to sign up for a paid membership:

    1. Click on Profile

    2. Click on Actions

    3. Click on Paid Subscriptions

    4. Click Order

    5. You will be redirect to PayPal - Follow the instructions on their site

    Note: You many not be automatically added to the paid members group, but it will happen within 12 hours

    Note: Use the same e-mail that you used to register with or provide your forum username with the payment.

    Let me know if you have any issues, or questions.

    Thank You,

    - Admin




  2. As many of you know we recently switched hosting plans and moved to our own virtual private server. This new server has significantly reduced, if not eliminated page loading errors, and has greatly enhanced the sites ability to handle the increasing amounts of traffic that we've been getting. As is the case with most things in life, the higer the quality the more expensive things become. CamCaps has reached a point where the costs of hosting, bandwidth, backups, and development have become too much for me to bear alone. As such, I am going to implement a new paid membership policy to help offset the costs of running this site. I thoroughly enjoy this community that you all have helped to build, and I hope that you will stay here despite the new membership policy. My goal here is to be as reasonable and straightforward as possible. I understand that no one likes to pay for porn, but I think what we have here is much more than that. The new membership system is as follows:

    Paid member: Paid membership is $12 USD per year nonrecurring. Paid members can view posts, make posts, view attachments, add attachments, view links, and view the media gallery (update coming soon). Essentially, paid members have the same access as registered members have now, but they also gain unrestricted access to the media gallery.

    Basic member: Basic members can read and respond to forum posts, and view links. They cannot view attachments (e.g. pictures or videos), participate in promotions, or access the media gallery. Essentially, they will have what is currently guest access, with the exceptions that they will be able to make posts and view links. The idea here is that you can still participate in the forum, but you won't be able to access costly bandwidth intensive resources.

    As of now we can only accept PayPal payments. Other arrangements can be made if you don’t have a PayPal account. Feel free to ask me questions.

    Update: Basic members are able to view and post links, they can also post attachments but they are not able view them. I have added a third party image upload module to make things easier. Please follow the tutorial here: http://camcaps.net/read-me/basic-member-image-posting-tutorial/. However, basic members are not be able to view content hosted on CamCaps.Net (e.g. Any images or videos that have been posted as attachments).  Additionally, there is no guarantee on how long the content posted to third party image hosts will remain available.  It is solely up to the discretion and generosity of Paid members if they want to post directly to CamCaps, or post to third party hosts. If paid members choose to use third party hosts to share media basic members will be able to see it, if they use CamCaps only Paid Members will be able to see it. Please note that purchasing a membership does not mean that you are purchasing images, videos, or any other form of content from us, all of the copyrights belong to their respective owners.  A membership simply grants you the right to use our server as a platform to share data.

    Note: The integrated upload to third party hosting module does not allow video uploads.

    Thanks again, and I hope that you will continue to participate in this community.


  3. Thanks for the responses guys. I am hoping to get a lot of feedback. I am going to leave the poll open for one week, and go from there. I am also going to watch to see how these changes that I've implemented work out. I think a big part of this early bandwidth usage was caused by moving the sites and databases over to this new server. Now that everything is moved hopefully bandwidth utilization will start to go down. I didn't start this forum to make money, but at the same time I didn't start it to lose money. I am hoping that we can grow this community, and at the same time keep it financially self-sufficient. I am working on adding some cool new features to the site, and I think this new server is a much better fit, and it will give us room to grow.

    - Admin

  4. With this new hosting plan we are allotted a certain amount of bandwidth per month.  On the previous plan we had slower shared hosting, but unlimited bandwidth, and quite frankly I didn't consider the amount of bandwidth that this site uses when I decided to switch to a virtual private server. In any case, we are quickly approaching the bandwidth limit already even though we've only been on this server for about 5 days. I have disabled the live chat feature that was at the bottom of the page, as no one really used it, but it still used a fair amount of bandwidth. Additionally, I have disabled the ability for guests to view attachments. None the less, I still think that bandwidth is going to be an issue. So the question is how do I pay for it?  There are several different options, many that I don't particularly like.  Please take the poll, and let me know if you have any suggestions or ideas. Fyi, were talking about $100 - $150 extra per month, it's not that much, but it's more than I want to be spending out of pocket.

    Thank You,

    - Admin

  5. Thanks guy's, I appreciate it. It was a lot of work, but it was definitely worth it. Hopefully those errors are gone, and I can focus on trying to add improvements to the site.

    - Admin

  6. You should be able to upload now, however you will only be able to upload files individually as opposed to selecting multiple files at a time. The issue appears to be with a MOD that I purchased that enables users to select multiple files at a time. I have put in a support ticket with the developer. Hopefully we will get this resolved soon. In the meantime please let me know if you find any other bugs.

    I can upload pictures with no problem but when I upload a video whether it be avi or mp4 it completes but when I go to post it, the comment to the post gets through but the video never posted and it was a single video less than 20Mb.

    Should work now. Max upload size is set at 50Mb.

  7. All, as a final step in the migration process we switched to a dedicated IP. All that means is that instead of sharing an IP with potentially hundreds of other sites we get our own. If you can read this your DNS settings have updated and reflect the new IP. I apologize for the inconvenience.

    - Admin

  8. You should be able to upload now, however you will only be able to upload files individually as opposed to selecting multiple files at a time. The issue appears to be with a MOD that I purchased that enables users to select multiple files at a time. I have put in a support ticket with the developer. Hopefully we will get this resolved soon. In the meantime please let me know if you find any other bugs.

  9. We are back up. I am going to do the migration another time when I have more time to babysit. In the mean time I moving some other sites over to reduce the load on this server, so the speed should increase here in the mean time.

    - Admin

  10. Admin. Would you please create a new subforum for us older guys here? Title it "The Old Dudes Board." If you can't or won't do that, would you 'sticky' it in Random Discussion?

    If you won't do that, then I'll feel compelled to make sure that it stays at the top of the page. We will of course need a mod, (I volunteer) to be sure that the basic rules are adhered too.

    The Old Dudes Board will be formed and will require any member of such to be over 50,

    We'll even go to 40 if your cool. You should have a young hottie under your arm and the most important rule will be that you absofuckinglutely MUST post strictly in English. Even bad translations can be accepted for those off in foreign lands that want to partake in the festivities.

    The girls? You really don't have to have one, but the cred it will bring you is awesome.

    It won't matter what they speak. We know what to do to keep them quiet.  ;)

    The board will be open to any discussions of old TV shows, Movies, Books, Cars, Girls, Food, Booze, Sex and even the strange things that we did back in the good old days.

    I'm quite sure we could find at least 10 participants of the 15,000 or so registered here.

    So, how about it guys? Anyone up for it? This way we can mostly leave the apartment threads alone for the noobs and let them die of boredom and they won't have to be taken off topic all of the time.

    I'll nominate myself, Leader of the Pack. Can I get an aye?        Ooooh-Rahhhh

    I don't have a problem with it. I am just trying to figure out where it would make the most sense to put it.

  11. The hosting company has requested that I provide them with a screenshot of the error. If and when you see the error, I would appreciate it if you could post a screenshot when you are able to log back in again.

    Thank You,


  12. I tried 3 different ways to get into this bord this morning. All of them give me this same message. IE. Chrome and FireFox.

    Service Unavailable

    The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.


    Apache Server at camcaps.net Port 80

    It does this constantly. It just took 4 tries to send a PM and 6 times to send another. I've all but given up trying to post here. It has to be this site, it doesn't happen anywhere else but here.

    Anyone else have this complaint? If so, I haven't read about it yet.

    I am aware of the errors. I recently made a few changes that seem to have reduced the amount of errors (at least for me). I am working with the hosting company to try to figure out what exactly is causing them. Thanks for the input.

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