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Posts posted by Admin

  1. Hey Admin,

    I have been banned (twice) from RLC for violating their policies for posting pics and videos on here. Any suggestions to make it harder for them.

    Please read the "News" headline at the top of the forum.

  2. i can't post a video link anymore to camcaps; i used to be able to, i tried to email myself a video link from mediafire and it worked just fine, have you changed anything?

    thanking you in advance, sigfried

    What format was it?

  3. "The mystery Liker" phenomenon happens when guests like posts. There is no name to assign to guests so they show up as an anonymous likes.

    I didn't know one could "like" as a guest.  I thought one had to create a sign-in name, with a password, and then have their "account" verified by email, as I did.  Things that make you go, hmmm.

    Guests can only read posts, like posts, and view attachments. Among other things they can't post, view links, or start new topics. We implemented stricter registration when we started getting bombarded  by spam bots. Thus far it's kept spam almost non-existent.

  4. Been getting several email alerts from here lately.

    "We have detected a failed login attempt on your account.

    IP address of the failed login attempt:"

    Repeated attempts from this IP today from or proxied through Netherlands, last week it was from Italy.

    anyone else getting these or is it just my account they are trying to hack?

    The IP address that you posted is not associated with any registered member. If it's not from you mistyping your password, then It is likely a bot or person trying to hack your account.  I get these on a daily basis. Just make sure you use a strong password.

  5. approve livingvicariously please

    please approve! thanks

    Hello I have the problem with bouchi :

    An Error Has Occurred!

    Your account is still awaiting admin approval.



    I do not receive the activation email :(

    My login is quack

    please help me !


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