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Posts posted by Admin

  1. I'm sinking fast...whoever it is who has got in here is slowly but surely removing my video links/blocking files......10 at the last count.....and rising.....

    Can you elaborate? Only myself and the mods have the ability to remove or move other people's posts. I haven't received any other complaints about this.

    It's not happening here, Admin.  It's happening on our mediafire accounts.  I started a thread, "In The Crosshairs" about it a few days ago.

    Ah, okay. FYI, not that RLC cares but we have added a section to our terms of service that says "Viewing or usage of this website by reallifecam.com or TECH FASHION INC. staff or associates is strictly prohibited".  In other words, it is against our terms of service from them to use this site to find URL's to file DMCA takedown notices against, or to search for member accounts to ban.

  2. I'm sinking fast...whoever it is who has got in here is slowly but surely removing my video links/blocking files......10 at the last count.....and rising.....

    Can you elaborate? Only myself and the mods have the ability to remove or move other people's posts. I haven't received any other complaints about this.

  3. Attachments (images) are still being restored. Everything should be back to normal shortly. Please change your passwords if you haven't already. I am still trying to figure out who did this. I'll let you all know what I find out. 

  4. We were hacked  >:(. I don't know how long the forum was down for as I only checked it a few minutes ago. I have restored the Database to sometime yesterday afternoon. This means that any uploads, comments, etc. that were made between yesterday afternoon and today are lost.  For some reason attachments aren't showing up, I am working on restoring them.

  5. So this is where i think we ended.

    Admin is not gonna starts this but invited us to do so. I fully understand admin having loads of other stuff to do. :)

    Therefore i am gonna start topics on each board. The rules are.

    - You are only allowed to post content.

    - All comments will be removed. (except error reports, i'll leave 1 pr. post.)

    - If you like what some posted, press "like"

    All mods are welcome do use their privileges to keep theese threads clean.

    Anything else i should add to the rules.

    Sounds good to me. At the moment we only have two mods. If we need more mods to support this we can add a couple more.

  6. That's not a bad idea. I think it's something that Admin should consider in light of all the bs going back and forth. Maybe restrictions on some viewing of whats posted to non paying members may help even things out so that this site can resume somewhat to what it use to be. Agree or disagree, as a paying member that's my opinion.

    One of us is thoroughly confused here. Restricting viewing for non paying members? I'm not aware of anyone paying for membership to this forum. If you are referring to RLC membership, what would that have anything to do with this site?

    Just to reiterate we have no paying members here. Membership is free, and it will stay that way!

  7. Another thing (that might be difficult to add) would be a feature to comment a photo in a new thread.

    Lets say that @noralover's reply here had i picture. Id would be so nice if the first person how wanted to comment on it, could start a new thread with a click on a button. And from then on the button would turn into a link to that thread.

    I would love that. But lets keep this thread to my first idea. Give me all your pros and cons.

    I'll look into this.

  8. In different topics there are post about how to use this forum and how not to.

    I have an idea that i would really like for this site. Hope you agree.

    In each apartment thread there well be a "pictures" and a "video" thread. In these it is only allowed to contribute. Not to comment or anything else. only thing else alowed is reports of non functional links or videos.

    This way members of this forum have easy access to the main content.

    What do you guys think?

    Initially, I was trying to get people to start new threads when they had new topics to discuss or new pic sets. However, I quickly realized that people either didn't like starting new threads, or didn't know how to. At the time we probably didn't have the traffic volume to warrant that anyway. Now, Aside from adding new features here and there and some administrative duties I try to stay hands off and let things evolve on their own. If you would like to create threads as you described feel free to do so. However, I am not going to police them. I'll leave that up to you and the the other mod (we may need more mods).

  9. I was thinking... maybe when threads are "split" that the other versions should be locked? That way people don't bring what should be a "dead" thread back to life weeks later.

    Will do. The mods should be able to do it as well.

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