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Everything posted by disneykid

  1. How come N&K are like all of Russian 2 hours from UK K&E are 6 hours away from UK doesn’t add up
  2. You don’t have to watch Nina & Kira ,besides are you sure Kira & Emily are in Russia?
  3. It’s not an excuse i didn’t know till I read about it 🤷‍♀️
  4. I’ve just been reading about Russia’s attitude towards Sam sex marriages Now I can understand why the girls are being very careful about close contact I It’s such a shame as the love each other. it’s about time Russia moved intoi the 21 st century 🌈 I think the girls are doing their best they can do ,at least the don’t mind walking around naked They must be feeling frustrated not being to do anything in the house 😻 We still Love you ❤️❤️
  5. In the end revenge will be sweet👍
  6. For sticking up for me/ I was waiting for a backlash from our < friends > in the eu .🤘
  7. I don’t give a monkeys what you think / we all have our own opinions ,that’s what this forum is about Have a nice day in your lovely EU . RULE BRITANNIA
  8. And pigs might fly😜 They wouldn’t bye a sex aid just to look at ,you must think I’m stupid ( Don’t answer that )😒
  9. Can anyone give me a sensible answer ,why the girls have to go away at weekends to have sex and not in the house . I suppose the they could have a little fumble under the duvet,maybe they do😻 After watching the girls for 4 years if things don’t alter soon ,I might have to think twice about renewing my subscription as there’s not much going on in the house. I don’t what to as they have become part of my life.😻
  10. I feel sorry for the girls, having to go away at weekends to relieve their sexual desires ( I wish we could go with them ) Anyway I Hate these dogooders trying to change the way we live in this world whether your a Lesbian,Gay,Bisexual or Transsexual,if you love someone,go for it,make the best of it ,your only on this earth once.,I support you 100%🌈 Going back to the girls, I think there’s a little room or toilet on the left in the passage way going down to the laundry room, where the girls sometimes disappear for a kiss and cuddle and maybe a little fumble. Im afraid beggars can’t be choosy theses days👍😻
  11. If you did I can’t find it . Can you briefly explain again please Thanks
  12. Can anyone explain why there’s been no action in the house for the last few months If we knew ,then maybe we would understand
  13. Nina s finger must ache ,all that work on the phone keypad,lying in bed📱 as far as we know she hasn’t used her fingers on Kira ,maybe only at the weekends away from the cameras that we will never know👎
  14. We will have to wait and see tomorrow ,it’s getting a joke now👎
  15. I see Kira is having a nice shave ,must have it clean and smooth for Nina as they will no doubt be going away again at the weekend👎
  16. She wants to be sent to North Pole with a flag up her arse. You know who has no doubt already been there👍
  17. Looks like it’s back to the old routine, long faces and disagreements What’s me me me,done to Kira this time?🤫
  18. Your right there ! I don’t know how to down load photos and send them🙁
  19. What in the bedroom😀
  20. When the girls moved into their first VH apartment,which to me was the best one,they were happy ,plenty of action, Bed / bath /and living room ,Every move since things seem To of gone down hill. That’s why I’m always calling the Convent ( ha ha )
  21. Your out of date we know use computers & ipads & smartphones☎️
  22. Same again I won’t tell you my age ,but I have granchildren ,they taught me every thing about modern technology 📱
  23. Only. they know that .I don’t think they should of shared the house with Masha&Lex , Maybe another Lesbisn couple might of been better🌈
  24. I totally agree with these comments ,they were never like this before they moved to this house. Don’t think Kira has a problem, I think it’s stick in the mud Nina trying to save her diva reputation 🤷‍♀️ Let’s hope they will change things around abit..In the old days they red hot sex maniacs ,couldn’t get enough of it👍 What’s changed ,They’ve never been quite the the same since that big argument last Christmas. ,They do say time is a healer .just hurry up and get back to normal 👍 what ever we still love them❤️❤️
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