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Everything posted by disneykid

  1. This morning Kira and the guest lady were having a laugh in the kitchen . Nina couldn’t get out the bedroom quick enough to take over,may be a bit of jealousy as she thinks she’s number 1👎
  2. No sex again tonight ,they have a guest,unless it’s a 3 some ( that would be nice for a change) imdreaming again👩‍👩‍👧
  3. Well I have to agree with you Kira has a very cheeky side to her,I think she likes a good time. Nina likes to think she is the boss, don’t do as I do , do as I say. Nina has her moments. If the push comes to a shove ,yes I would vote for KIRA❤️
  4. Yes we all love and adore Kira ,but let’s not Leave Nina out .after all they are a married couple😻
  5. KIRAs been doing best toget Nina in the mood,but I think she is flogging a dead horse🙁
  6. By my reckoning it appears the girls have not had any sexual action in the house for a few months now. are they been abit careful as Russia don’t approve of Lesbian and gays. It seems these two Sexy and Randy girls, who have just bought a sex aid ,go away at weekends for abit off camera I don’t blame them ,good luck to them, they are like most people need abit of sexual relief. Next time take your video camera.( ha ha ) The trouble is your loyal followers are paying good money to just watch you eat/sleep/on your phones and go out. I know you have plenty of videos. But it’s like a recording of a football match. You know the end result. watching live is more exciting 😻
  7. We now need a comparison photo of Kira to who has the best rear (Kira doing the duvet) in the last house 😻 no doubt Kjeld will have one in his library 📽
  8. I hope it is only a rumour the girls have been down that road ,not really their scene. I don’t think they are that hard up😺
  9. CC switched me off the other day ,someone was trying to hack my account,hopefully back on now safe. The house now looks like a work office (clothing optional) plus food and sleep available. I heard a rumour the girls are doing CB at the weekends,don’t know if it’s true ,anyone know, if so what names are they using .not twohotberries. that might explain why no action in the house. A few months ago it was once a month.now it seems never. if they keep going like this,they will begin to loose their loyal customers,people won’t pay to watch the cats.🙀
  10. Now what can I knock over this weekend😸
  11. You know what I mean .it’s pity we can’t watch,🤘 it looks like those day are gone when we could watch the girls love making, now all we get eat and sleep🤷‍♀️
  12. It looks like the girls are away again for another dirty weekend 😀
  13. Having little or no action in the house lately, the girls are acting more like sisters than an a married couple, I was wondering if it’s anything to do with the world wide protest of LGBT Pride movement? Anyone have any ideas 🌈
  14. Before the girls went out tonight ,it made a change Kira kept Nina waiting getting ready 😀
  15. You would sulk if tried to wake up Nina😹
  16. Bandit is doing his best to get into the cat food draw in the kitchen. 22.50😹
  17. Well said Rob ! That bloke talks a load of crap Nina has be in the mood ,like a lot of people,Kira s always in the mood😻
  18. Kira trying her luck again Nina not interested 🤷‍♀️
  19. How about a Jacuzzi🛀
  20. I presume both the girls have a car each,don’t know what make. I would say Kira has a Nissan Quashi, Nina would have to be BMW. Any thoughs🚘
  21. I can’t be bothered with you , the second word is off☝️
  22. Thanks, and you are saying🤔
  23. The girls are home, I don’t think Nina is very happy with Bandit ,having knocked over a vase full of water over the bed.(Nina,s side) . Kira has just got the replay on her phone 🙀
  24. Have you noticed the girls have been having overnighters at the weekends, maybe having their love making away from the cameras and this time they have a new sex toy to try out. May be why there’s been no action in the house ,it’s their choice, but we are missing out. its not like the old days ,anytime ,anywhere . these days it’s eat ,sleep and look at your computer, we still love and watch them, come on girls it would be nice abit of action every now ang again 😻
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