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Everything posted by disneykid

  1. When’s the trial run..?
  2. 1I respect your comments,but we will never see eye to eye , so I I think I will leave it at that !
  3. All crap ,like there football team
  4. Looks like Nina is looking for a new car 🚘 Isn’t a LADA good enough 🤷‍♀️
  5. You must live a very dull life ,it was only meant as a joke ☝️
  6. The girls could now open a lesbian only guest house, it would pay the rent.🌈🤔
  7. Nice view of the back of the TV
  8. Nina deserve that extra sleep today,she worked hard yesterday 😻
  9. They haven’t got time to sunbath ,there in and out like a fiddler albow,there busy girls😻
  10. Could be interesting tonight 3 lesbian s in the house .I know they are friends 😀 I will never say Nina is lazy again,she’s working like a trogan
  11. It looks like it as they were packing everything up last night Pahaps the girls are moving down stairs,I would make sense 😻
  12. Are Masha & Lex Moving out of the house /? Are they going to have a place of their own?
  13. Having a feel to see if it still works .not been in action for a few weeks,is the feeling still there. might need abit of DIY🤔
  14. I can’t keep flogging it to death it makes my arm ache 😃
  15. KIRAs topless cooking again😻👩‍🍳
  16. I’ll go and sit in the naughty corner 👎
  17. I apologise as I dont know what the girls were doing, they must be worn out after a long day.( SORRY)😴
  18. I see they have returned to the convent again 🤭
  19. Nina keeps wearing these different wigs ,she looks much better with her natural short hair👍
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