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Everything posted by disneykid

  1. I hope I’m wrong but has Kira fallen out of love and affection for Nina ,these things do happen let’s hope not
  2. Is it Nina or the house or because of Sharing Kira is sitting up in bed nearly crying I’ve never seen her so down !
  3. Have we decided what sex bandit is yet 😺
  4. I was sorry for Nina last night ,at 01,00 Nina all loveingly tried to give Kira a good night kiss ,Kira just laid there like a plank of wood no reaction nothing the same as in the hot tub earlier. they can’t keep going on like this ,for all her faults Nina is doing her best to cheer Kira up Kira HAS got to sort herself out . otherwise it could be down the lonely road of Make up or Break up
  5. Sorry guys I’m on my soap box tonight! I know it’s been a tough few months for the girls ,but isn’t it time to put the past behind them. Look to a bright new future ❤️ Nina stop getting onto Kira so much. Kira only you and Nina know what’s upset you . ,but after 3 months don’t you think it’s time to forgive and forget. we all what to see that lovely smile again ,with a few kisses and cuddles let’s face it you two are made for each other😻 PS I hope the girlsl read this,and I haven’t upset them in any way🦆🦆
  6. Kira looks fed up with Nina tonight Kira has been at work all day ,Nina done sweet F A apart from been in bed on her phone and lap top
  7. I should have said in their first VHTV APARTMENT my mistake 😜
  8. Sitting at home fed up with this lockdown , I had a look at videos of the girls in their first apartment, 22 august 2019 is the first time I’ve seen the girls do a 69 ,I can’t remember them ever doing it again. maybe on CB that I don’t know any thoughts!🤷‍♀️😸
  9. I got the joke ! Only when I think of N&K 😜 I think you’ve been thinking of Lex s robe
  10. On the odd occasion that the girls don’t go out ,they need to have some fun by getting the adult playing cards out. last time they did it they had a lot of fun,it was in the last apartment. Come on girls have some fun. life’s too short to be miserable 🦆🦆😻
  11. The girls are abit happier today ,how long it will last ,time will telll🤞
  12. There could be a cable that Lex used still in the room / but yes she did some cabling last week
  13. That’s a good idea , she could keep all the ducks company 🦆😻
  14. On second thoughts I think they are moving their stuff out of the workroom to the bedroom it would make sense, they could lay down when on CB instead of sitting in a chair👍
  15. Are Masha & Lex packing up and moving on? If so where dose it leave the girls .are they moving as well
  16. A. Very traumatic day for the girls ,hopefully it has ended amicably 😍
  17. I might be a bugger but I’m not synical
  18. Will they ever stop arguing it’s nearly ever day lately Kira looked upset again!
  19. As this bit of paper that came from the girls ,it might be free tickets and entries to Nina s concerts😻
  20. Don’t keep it to yourself ,let us know please
  21. It’s alright Masha holding a piece of paper up to the camera, but what does it say?
  22. Isn’t it nice to see the girl’s smiling and laughing ,which we don’t see that often😻 Anyone know what presents Masha got / I presume it’s her birthday 😸
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